Saturday, April 04, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 17, 2014

This married B+ list mostly television actress with A list name recognition due in no small part to her A++ list significant other passed out while filming her show last week. The actress is convinced she is gaining weight even though she has never weighed less in two decades. The pill diet is probably not helping either.

Portia de Rossi


  1. Scarlett Drawl2:07 AM

    Portia and Giuliana Rancic seem to be in a race to the grave.

  2. Frufra2:18 AM

    I wonder what percentage of people with disordered eating are really, truly cured. I'd guess it's like alcoholism - controlled at best, never completely behind you. I have a student who has major food issues due to spending her first six years of life in an Eastern European orphanage. She's an incredible little person, but I don't know if those issues will ever be fully overcome.

  3. Planet J2:52 AM

    I don't think its ever completely's something you have to work hard on,daily. I think it shows its ugly head,when a person is going through a lot of stress or depression...or when the person feels like they don't have any control over certain situations that pop up in their life.
    I hope your student has a good support system in her life..and I hope she gets better,or that she can at least learn to have control over it.
