Monday, April 27, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 16, 2015

Leave it to her to cause havoc in Hermes. This MTV staple/part-time hooker berated her boyfriend/sugar daddy in Hermes NYC this weekend when he would not drop $75K on a crocodile Birkin for her. She had to settle for a bag that cost just under $10K. Not even a thank you from her. The guy who waited on them said she was awful.

Farrah Abraham


  1. Kno Won Uno2:19 AM

    So annoyed that this twit has a birkin bag and I do not.

  2. Kno Won Uno2:20 AM

    Blind Item Revealed #8 is followed by Blind Item Revealed #2. It's not nice to fuck with old people.

  3. Derek Harvey2:24 AM

    I thought those bags were highly exclusive---If Samantha Jones couldn't get her hands on one---how the hell did Backdoor Farrah?!

  4. Whywhywhy?2:33 AM

    Kno Won Uno, don't forget this undeserving twit. Glad the trick didn't cave.

  5. TopperMadison3:28 AM

    In her defense, a thank you wasn't really necessary since he was just settling up his tab.

  6. Ginger6:26 AM

    I can't believe she has a sugar daddy....who would pay to have sex with her???!!!!! Gross.
