Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 13, 2015

Lots of tension at the table when this foreign born A list mostly movie actress got into an argument with her A list mostly movie actor boyfriend when he ordered some shots. He had already had two bottles of wine to himself. For once in his life the actor backed down when the actress threatened to leave.

Charlize Theron/Sean Penn


  1. And-so-on..2:55 AM

    She really loves you if she prevents you from remaining a drunken jerk and dying with a painful deadly disease.. you jerk..

  2. alice3:12 AM

    He’s in his best behavior and honeymoon phase now, but he’s an alcoholic, he openly admit that he can’t help but drinking. And when he’ll be done playing the good guy Charlize will regret every minute she wasted with this turd.

  3. I've always been a big fan of Charlize and I can't stand to see her with this jerk. Sean Penn is a drug addict who loves hookers and beating up woman. Why is she with him? In Esquire magazine this month she call him "hot". Abusing women is not hot! Just ask Madonna or Robin Wright. I hope Charlize dumps him soon.

  4. TheCousinEddy6:57 AM

    There are a few "celebs" that when I hear their name, I instantly associate them with bad personal hygiene or wreaking of cigarette smoke and/or hard liquor. Sean Penn is one. Lindsay Lohan is another. I bet their pores just ooze nicotine and alcohol and they walk around with a unseen cloud of smoke surrounding them, a la PigPen from Peanut. Blech.

  5. Erin B9:18 AM

    I was with some friends on Sunday who said Sean Penn just oozes sex to them. I'm of your mindset & thinks he looks like he's oozing all kinds of things but not that.

  6. Malibuborebee12:19 PM

    He was hotter when he was younger. She's a bit of a freak so who knows how long she'll stay with him? She stayed with Townsend for a long time and he was no picnic. Actually, she's no picnic either.

    Penn is a brilliant actor and a decent humanitarian. He's also a douchebag who has earned the respect of his peers despite his douchebaggery. He's considered an icon by the younger generation of actors.

    I forgot just how good an actor he was until I saw Gangster Squad. Not a great movie but he was phenomenal. He had a scene where he completely altered his face and became a monster by force of will. No makeup, no prosthesis, no nothing - just him, acting. Fucking amazing.

  7. Peter Rabbit1:36 PM

    He's UGLY!!!!

  8. back again2:28 PM

    i think Gangster Squad was underrated.Yeah,screenplay was weak but there were alot of really good performances in that film that nobody saw..& yeah, you're right,Sean was a force to be reckoned with in that movie..Brolin was no sneeze either.

  9. Thandie2:55 PM

    Apparently, he quit smoking for her, without her asking him to do so. He also calls her son, his own.

    I find him extremely hot. I always did.

  10. Penelope 23:37 AM

    I hear she has a rotten side, which would explain it (but we just don't see it...we see a lovely face only). Water meets its own level...but his history of abuse and hookers should make a *smart* woman run away, even if she isn't the nicest.

  11. Penelope 23:42 AM

    He even got Scarlett Johannsen post divorce, and licked Naomi Watts in 9 grams (she was dating Heath Ledger at the time, but she apparently found Penn so seductive she let him do what he wanted during filming). He looks like a big old wrinkled liver spot to me, so I have no idea what these women are on.
