Friday, April 03, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 22, 2014

After a pregnancy scare, this A list mostly television actor from a cable show that made him filthy rich makes his significant other take a birth control pill in front of him every day. He doesn't want any more kids but she wants several.

Charlie Sheen (she now says the pregnancy scare was actually a forced abortion and that he beat her when she told him she was pregnant)


  1. murphy3:19 AM


  2. ^^^^ Exactly!!!!!

  3. Planet J3:43 AM

    ^^^No doubt! get snipped,Charlie!

  4. Having gotten a vasectomy 20 years ago, I can tell you it works at NOT getting any sexual partners you may have from ever getting pregnant. AND, it doesn't inhibit performance, either.

  5. Ginger6:07 AM

    @Murphy My thoughts exactly!!!

  6. Penelope 26:38 AM

    So, she told him she was pregnant, he beat her to force an abortion, then she dutifully took birth control pills after that in front of him? She still had sex with him, instead of reporting him to police and leaving this hooker-loving bum? She wouldn't make a good mother, she can't even look out for herself, and if she'd sentence children to having him for a father she especially shouldn't have kids. I'm sad for what happened to her, but he should be in jail but she's too busy gold digging and using potential babies to ensure that to put him where he belongs. SMH.

  7. Riven7:36 AM

    If this is Brent (Brett?) Rossi, it makes me question how much she was with him only for the money and paps. That's what everyone says about her, but this would be a murder charge, and the payday from selling the story would be A+.

  8. Victim blaming is not cool. He is an abuser and she is a survivor.

  9. Rocky4:50 AM

    @Brit-Normally, I would agree with you, but we all have a pretty good idea that the pregnancy was an intended paycheck.
    Sheen has got some very serious demons that he's gotten a legal pass. No amount of money would or should anyone ever have a kid with a foul creature such as Sheen.

  10. You're right no-one in a situ like this should plan to bring a child into it, but many do, and many have no choice in the matter She certainly is chasing money, and security, and 'a home' -clearly in the wrong places. This poor lass thinks that putting up with all his monitoring, control and assaults will somehow give her safety- whether financial or familial. She's wrong of course.

  11. She wants babies for the cash they'll bring. Don't try to paint her as some sainted victim here.
