Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 8, 2013

This A list celebrity has had to deny she is having marriage problems. She says that everything is perfect and that she will never get divorced. She might never get divorced, but she should probably also stop seeing that executive in that company she works with. Of course the weekly hotel room visits could be about work. The room service. The bathrobe you opened the door in last week. It's all work. The marriage is probably fine.

Kris Jenner (the cheating and marriage issues really make sense looking at it now)


  1. sandybrook2:18 AM

    Just because you're a rich executive doesn't mean you still can't be desperate and completely pathetic. So is some clown at E! screwing her and renewing the contract for 4 years because some parasite actually sleeps with him?

  2. Kris Jenner doesn't have a moral in her soul. Is it any reason her daughters are all so a-moral? I don't think so.

  3. Riven2:57 AM

    Cheating does not make sense now - wtf Enty??

    This is why there exists this neat little phrase called a legal separation. Gender transition is neither a moral not legal excuse to cheat.

  4. Thandie3:30 AM

    It doesn't sound like Enty meant it in the moral sense.

  5. Sylvia4:10 AM

    I don't think morality is in this family's vocabulary.

  6. Groaning5:31 AM

    Ewwww! Which executive at E is screwing around with Kris? And why? Couldn't he find a young attractive woman in LA? Or is this the same guy who was banging Chelsea handler?

  7. texasrose7:22 AM

    Groaning - even in hollywood you cannot get an attractive woman that will do 'anything'. Maybe he is into some really sick shit- hence PMK.

  8. C'mon, say what you like about the famewhoring, she is a very attractive woman.

  9. murph5:17 PM

    Hegg, if her only issue was fame whoring, it would be unremarkable as she lives in LA and pretty much SOP for most famous types. Kris is abhorrent (emphasis on the hor) because she pimps out her kids: sex tape, international trips involving wealthy businessmen (i.e. Dubai opening of Millions of Milkshakes ffs) and whatever she's got lined up for the two youngest.

    Money and fame are all-important. The son doesn't add anything to her bottom line (and committed the mortal sin of packing on the lbs) so he's no longer useful and has disappeared. Also, "very attractive" is overstating it. For her age-sure, but again, it's LA. Lots of good looking people running around.

  10. Mr. Knowitall6:36 AM

    Maybe cheating with Harvey at TMZ?
