Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 16, 2015

Apparently some feuds never end. These two permanent A list mostly movie actors hated each other when they were on the show and still hate each other. The one who seems to still have a movie career blames the other actor for a lot of things, including the death of John Belushi by getting him hooked on pills to go with John’s coke habit.

Bill Murray hates Chevy Chase


  1. Derek Harvey2:06 AM

    Bill Murray is A list and Chevy Chase is no longer relevant enough to be a permanent A lister

  2. Derek Harvey2:07 AM

    I mean Bill M is RAD AND A PERMANENT A I agree

  3. sandybrook2:20 AM

    I think most of Hollywood finds Chevy Chase detestable which is why his career is over and he is a bloated mess remaking movies he did 30 years ago.

  4. Cecilia002:31 AM

    OT : Heemadez - Guilty and sentenced to life.

  5. Cecilia002:32 AM


  6. I hate Chevy Chase, too. What an egomaniac! I refuse to watch Community because I can't stand Chevy's "acting." Back in the 80's, Chevy even got into an agreement with William Goldman, an Oscar Winning Screenwriter, about wording in a script!
    I do believe when he left SNL AFTER the first year because he was about to be fired. Bill Murray replaced Chevy the following year.
    And, I agree with Derek H, Bill is RAD and a Permanent A.

  7. sandybrook2:38 AM

    Good I'm glad justice prevailed. I thought since they were taking so long he would get off even though his lawyer said he was there when it happened.

  8. Team Murray ALWAYS. Eff Chevy Chase.

  9. AndrewBW3:40 AM

    I don't like CHevy Chase, but I've never liked Bikll Murray either. I don't know why everyone thinks he's so great. He's the ultimate one trick pony.

  10. agreement = argument
    I should have proof read my post!

  11. I agree. Sometime he fits into a movie I like so he's ok but I never seek him out.

  12. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:30 AM

    Who doesn't hate chevy chase? sean penn because they are both disgusting and have empathy or not even that douche?

  13. I've never particularly found either of them funny. But each has some good movies under his belt regardless. However, blaming anyone but Belushi for Belushi's death is ridiculous. And he took coke and heroin when he died, so pills were not the issue.

  14. Both (and all SNL cast members of all time) are utterly overrated. Soz yous lot over the Atlantic, just a fact.
