Sunday, April 12, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #12

January 15, 2014

This reality star is A list. If she wasn't A list I probably wouldn't bother writing about her. She also has A list or higher name recognition. She also has a coke problem that is out of control. It's funny how you only ever hear about one side of the story. Apparently Adderall doesn't do anything for her except make her jumpy and unable to sleep. She was gaining weight and getting mocked so she started back down her coke road again. She gets it from one of the guys she used to cheat on her former significant other with. When you see them together you know a deal went down and she enjoyed some with him too. And by deal I mean he gives it to her. She never pays. Well, she pays in other ways. And pays and pays. She tried to kick the habit recently because there was so much press around her but she is hooked and went back for more and will keep going back for more until she hits rehab. Just like a lot of her life, the rest of her co-stars have no idea what she does away from the cameras.

Khloe Kardashian


  1. June Gordon4:19 AM

    I'm praying to the Lord Jesus that she ODs and takes her whole damn family with her to Hell. O, Lord hear this prayer! Amen!!!!!

  2. CStyle4:49 AM

    June. I'm by no means a Ktrash fan but damn that's harsh!

  3. And-so-on..5:08 AM

    Isn't her druggy brother Rob living with her?

  4. ZStyle6:43 AM

    I'm with June on this one.

  5. Zuzu2129:22 AM

    Not surprising. Her gremlin pimp of a 'mother' (I use the word mothers loosely...) was known to enjoy her coke back in the day while partying with Nicole Simpson and Faye Resnick. Nothing would surprise me at this point with these Kardashian gypsies. Their ratings are on the decline though, so we can all expect the publicity stunts to become increasingly desperate.

  6. Cupcakes4all9:52 AM

    THIS is true, very true.

  7. @June "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

  8. Southern belle11:39 PM

    Praying she OD's. Wtf is wrong with you and your lame followers. How pathetic. No matter how much you disliked someone you only know of from tv and magazines, wanting them to OD and bring the family down is just disgraceful. Don't wish for something to happen to anyone unless you want it to happen to you.

  9. Laughin6:48 AM

    June, I just love you, and agree with you completely.
