Saturday, April 04, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #12

March 3, 2015

This married A+ list mostly movie actress with A+++ list name recognition is really really sick. As in not going to live another couple of years sick. Apparently it is one of the reasons she can’t gain weight and why she disappears for weeks at a time from the public.

Angelina Jolie (This blind was 10 days before her announcement)


  1. Planet J3:51 AM

    That's who I figured it was. I don't really care for her as a person..but would never wish to see her sick either. I hope what she did helps extend her life. Her children need her.

  2. gummibear3:59 AM

    i think she is gorgeous

  3. She didn't even announce she was sick though smh

  4. tricia134:06 AM

    when i guessed her, I put out the disclaimer i didnt believe it. Seems it may be so, and that is very, very tragic imo. And yes, she is beautiful. I reallly hope the recent surgery was preventative and not~mandated:(

  5. baumyak4:12 AM

    I thought she wasn't gaining any weight cause she was still doing heroin?

  6. violet4:14 AM

    So she actually has cancer? As opposed to the cancer gene which she said was the reason for her surgery? Because that's two very different things.

  7. I think that it is completely and utterly unacceptable and offensive that this should be a matter of gossip on this or any other site. Shame on you Enty.

  8. Exactly. Either Enty knows something we don't or he's spreading bullshit.

  9. I wouldn't put it past a star to lie about their actual condition. Cancer, cancer gene is the same to them. She will probably NOT be hired in the near future because a diagnose of cancer would stop a production from getting completion insurance.

  10. I am so saddened by this. Hopefully, she can win this fight.

  11. ettacettera6:35 AM

    And insurance companies are ok with alcohol and drug abuse..maybe that's why she's more into producing and having the control. I wish her well.

  12. Missy6:39 AM

    Everyone suspected it was her, but this makes no sense. None. Having precancerous cells that predisposed her to get the same cancer as her mom and aunt and grandma is a whole different ballgame than saying she's not going to be around and can't gain weight. Enty is saying she's dying of cancer already. That's not what she's said at all, and she doesn't have chemo because she's not lost her hair, which is what I thought 10 days ago. Nope. This is BS. Seeing that you have precancerous cells and having surgery to remove them because of the BRCA gene is a whole different thing than the way this is written. This is written as though she's already dying.

  13. Missy6:46 AM

    In fact, just the opposite. She said it was prophylactic and that she will be around to tell her grandkids and her own children never have to say mom died of ovarian cancer. The blind and what she said don't add up. I don't think she'd lie like that either- make an announcement but not come clean and specifically say how she'll be around and is taking hormones. She wouldn't be taking hormones if she had ovarian cancer and she'd have chemo and be bald. People with advanced cancer can't gain weight. You could see, though, that she wouldn't want to be hunted down all the time with paps fighting to get pics of her suffering if this was true, but she's stalked by them anyway. If she sneezes, they're there to take her pic.

  14. This is BS, probably started by a very jealous person.

  15. Dudette7:11 AM

    Having her ovaries removed doesn't mean you have terminal cancer, it was a preventative procedure...supposedly.

  16. French girl7:30 AM

    i don't see why Jolie would lie on what she did.Imagine if Jolie was dying of cancer...she would be a saint.

  17. Foolishgames7:52 AM

    I actually thought that for many photos she's wearing a wig.

  18. Emeraldcity8:15 AM

    I have a good friend who is a famous fung shui expert, absolutely spot on with his predictions using the Chinese Pillars of destiny. When this blind came out and there was talk of Angelina having a terminal illness I asked him if he would look at her chart…..Answer: she has a 20year cycle (from 2011 ) of accumulative health problems both genetic and self inflicted a few rocky years here and there in the future, but will certainly live into her mid to late 50s probably dying of complications brought on by an infectious disease, associated with chills and fevers. Not a long life by today’s standards but not an immediate demise either. There will also be an attempt on her life, a close call in 2023.

  19. it took forever8:19 AM

    WOW, she does look weird lately, esp in those pics of her alone at night in the retail store, if she could reinvent herself from self mutilating tramp to saint angie she can also have the will power to beat cancer. my money is on she beats it

  20. I truly believe it's her. She recently went on that hunger strike with the actors who played POWs in her movie. She doesn't have much time left, and the candid pap pictures make it obvious. Makeup and lighting has hidden a lot, but it's obvious she's dying.

    Karma, I guess. Maybe that's why Jen is so open to meeting her; closure before she dies.

  21. macaroniandcheese8:50 AM

    Wait, did she announce she was going to die? Because half my Facebook newsfeed would have lost its shit.

  22. Tenley9:50 AM

    She was always cancer-free. Any other woman who was cancer-free and wanted both her breasts removed, then her ovaries and fallopian tubes, would be locked in a psych ward.

  23. Scallywag10:31 AM

    Not everyone who gets chemo or radiation loses their hair. But she does look unwell. I hope not, I hope it's the stress of making the decision and going through the prophylactic procedures. I certainly hope she lives to see her children reach adulthood; I would wish that for anyone and their children.

  24. This blind is from March 3rd. What if she had cancer in her ovaries, uterus etc, thus explaining the removal of them? Then she's 'clean' - until the cancer comes back. Maybe after the removal of those she is no longer terminal?

  25. Oobejabbawonka10:47 AM

    Agree - especially Angelina - she'll do anything for attention.

  26. All these comments about Angelina's announcement contradicting the blind reveal depend on the assumption that she was telling the truth.

  27. This is made up or exaggerated by someone. I had a procedure done to lesson my chances of developing a genetic cancer, and there were people who got it all wrong and said I was fighting cancer when I wasn't. That's why I keep my health stuff entirely to myself now. People love to exaggerate the drama, even when it comes to serious things like this.

  28. If it is not acceptable to 'out' someone who is HIV+ it is equally unacceptable to be discussing someone who may or may not an illness as serious as this. Reading these posts is like observing a bunch of vultures circling around injured prey. How revolting to make a life threatening illness a subject of gossip. Go get a life, you people!

  29. Sasha3:51 AM

    Wow. Some of you are so bitter. I hope it bites you in the ass, tenfold. You won't be laughing then.

  30. Mindy7:06 AM

    You know what? She could have EVERTHING removed and still develop Ovarian cancer. My mother-in-law did. Before i met my husband, the doctors found some 'suspicious' pre-cancerous cells. they removed everything. A year after I met her, she developed Ovarian cancer, because even though they took out her uterus and ovaries... they left the ovarian stumps (to help with with her estrogen levels). She died shortly after our wedding - which was about 20 months from diagnosis.

    And not for nothing.. wasn't she SMOKING on a balcony just a few months back? She knows that her maternal side is rife with cancer, and yet she thinks that smoking is fine? My husband's parents both died of cancer. He does everything in his power NOT to excelerate the probability of succumbing to ANY.

  31. Enty's not saying Angie's dying at all. He's just revealing the blind. It was obviously speculated around Hollywood that she was dying because she's so tiny and because she disappears and doesn't explain herself to other people. She cleared up the misconception by finally explaining what she's been dealing with.

  32. Victoria1:37 PM

    Remember that open letter Brad Pitt write a year or so ago? It was about committing to living your wife instead of divorcing when things are hard. He actually said "my wife got very sick". People mostly latched onto "wife" wondering if they'd secretly married -- but maybe she did have breast cancers or ovarian can er or both

  33. nancy2:27 PM

    Wow some class acts commenting here

  34. rhinovodka2:01 AM

    Not a fan of hers but I hope for the sake of her children, she has a longer life than what is being gossiped here.

  35. SUSSIQUE9:47 AM

    I hope Angelina isn't dying. That would just be awful. She is American Royalty.
