Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Blind Item #6

This A list singer from a group and solo can't really sing. Well, not live anyway. We all might like her but she can't sing live worth a crap. Anyway, this is not about that. She is married but is trying to reach a settlement with her soon to be ex. She wants sole custody of the kids which is a big sticking point because he wants more child support to go with the spousal support.


  1. back again1:01 AM


  2. Tricia131:01 AM

    Gwen stefani

  3. back again1:02 AM

    never mind "kid(s)"

  4. back again1:03 AM

    +1 ^^^^ ( bummer, i like her too)

  5. back again1:04 AM

    'Save My Marriage' babies never work y'all..

  6. Kno Won Uno1:09 AM

    Are they Off again? I get so confused. They're ON/they're Off, On/Off, On/Off.

  7. Tricia131:10 AM

    True. I was very surprised they had a 3rd baby. This has been a loooong break up

  8. Kno Won Uno1:13 AM

    The DM had Stefanni/Rossdale running errands together yesterday - in matching pants.

  9. UltraViolet1:14 AM

    All those girls who dream of marrying Harry Styles should study Gwen's case. It's never a good idea to take a primarily gay man, as Gavin appears to be, and try to convert him into a heterosexual house husband. He always seemed happier when he was together with Marilyn.

  10. Kno Won Uno1:16 AM

    *extra N, sry

  11. NoWhining1:18 AM

    Have a feeling it was more about having a daughter / mini me.

  12. NoWhining1:19 AM


  13. Tricia131:20 AM

    Fair point@ NoWhining

  14. Kno Won Uno1:21 AM

    I think it's someone else...working on it.

  15. L0ony Bins1:29 AM

    I love Stefani, but she was horrid performing with Levine at the Grammy's this year...

  16. Kno Won Uno1:29 AM

    Björk. I know the Sugarcubes were a loong time ago, but there is a custody issue brewing.

  17. Tricia131:37 AM

    I wonder if " Glycerine" was about Marilyn., course it could've been about Daisys mum I suppose.

  18. Kno Won Uno1:43 AM

    Probably not.

  19. back again1:52 AM

    @NoWhining,you're right.Gwen actually has said she'd love to have a little girl. I was just being snarky...well,kind of...

  20. hothotheat2:07 AM

    @ultraviolet Fair point, but we were all a lot happier in our 20's than out 40's.

    I think Rossdale is bi, and I think he loves/loved both Marilyn and Gwen.

  21. rhinovodka2:17 AM

    I don't agree with spousal support, unless the person cannot work or has not worked in a long time. Once you are divorced, it is not the former spouse's responsibility to continue to pay for the lifestyle one has become accustomed to. That said, I don't know who this is but I hope it works out for the kids.

  22. NoWhining2:39 AM

    @back again: Snark away; this is a gossip site after all!

    I hadn't heard about Gwen's girl comment. Just have the impression it was all about duplicating herself (snark intended), not so much a 'we're one big, happy family, let's have another.'

  23. Jess Sayin''4:20 AM

    Remember that Gwen herself holds Stevie Nicks's old "sleeping with female groupies and lots of them" crown (which she has not passed on to Rihanna just yet), so she didn't come into this a wide-eyed het girl herself, either. These "we both want kids, we both need cover, and we're mature enough to deal with neither of us liking het sex too much" arrangements may sound clever and logical, but not everyone can be Will & Jada, after all.

  24. Suzanne4:22 AM

    I think this might be Mel B.

  25. Jax B4:28 PM

    Fergie - Black Eyed Peas
