Thursday, April 16, 2015

Blind Item #5

At the same party as #4, this C- list celebrity/actress who has been acting since she was a toddler and then popped up on The Voice for a season got into a fight with this married B list celebrity who never met a camera she didn't like and is married to a man old enough to be her grandfather. The two were fighting over the host of the party and who would get to go home with him. It was pretty sad to watch although the guy seemed to be enjoying it.


  1. Tricia1312:48 AM

    Courtney Stodden and

  2. Tricia1312:52 AM

    Stodden/Misha Barton maybe

  3. kjbrink12:59 AM

    Stodden & Raquel Castro. She started acting when she was really little and was on The Voice a few seasons ago.

  4. Tricia131:00 AM

    GOOD one. I was stumped:(

  5. back again1:01 AM

    Christina Milian

  6. back again1:03 AM

    Christina M.used to read the tweets on The Voice--so stupid-she's not answer here i was just mentioning that she was an unnecessary part.

  7. Tricia131:07 AM

    Wonder how she got that gig?hmmmmm??

  8. Cherry2:23 AM

    In what world is Courtney Stodden B-List?

  9. Planet J3:40 AM

    There is no way Courtney Stodden is B list..But I do think that's one of the two in this BI.
    It's seriously hard for me to believe she's as young as she and everyone says,too. She looked 30yrs old when she was supposedly 16!
