Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Blind Item #3

This A- list mostly television actress on a hit network show got her start in movies. The married actress has a severe drug problem which she hides from her husband by only using at work. You have never seen someone enjoy going to work more and shows up three hours before she has to be there and stays hours later than necessary.


  1. sandybrook12:01 AM


  2. bobofosho12:14 AM

    Anna Faris? Might be lower-rated letterwise though.

  3. MontanaMarriott12:15 AM

    Viola D or Kerry W?

  4. Derek Harvey12:34 AM

    I like the Anna Faris guess

  5. Seriously... is there ANYONE in show business who doesn't do drugs/sleep around/neglect their kids/use sex to garner awards/refuses to come out of the closet? Doesn't anyone just go to work, go home, and live a healthy, balanced life? Who in their right mind would ever want to be in show business?

  6. I agree with Bill Murray, who said: "If you want to be rich and famous, try just being rich first and see if that about covers it"

  7. You probably haven't been in the environment to see how it starts. Civilians usually can't imagine it. I don't condone it but the pressure to perform (in any capacity) when for whatever reason you can't (and A LOT rides on it) and then some handler approaches you and says...if you take this, you'll be able to perform. You can't afford not to. That at least is often how it starts. It's more coping with such a bizarre creepy environment that is the entertainment industry. Showbiz isn't a normal industry so it would make sense the people in it don't have normal lives. Plus a lot of people in Hollywood have no education and are just pretty. Don't expect smart choices to come from unintelligent people.

  8. June Gordon1:48 AM

    I wish I had enough money to have a cocaine problem.

  9. ROTFL!!!!

  10. Gladys Kravitz4:00 AM

    Faris sounds like a good guess to me. This is full blown addict behaviour. 30 days won't cut it. She needs a good six months in rehab to get this heading in the opposite direction, with intensive after-care.

  11. Princess Kate4:11 AM

    I love that!

  12. Faris has been looking out of it and kinda... Puffy and yellow for a while.

  13. I am boogled at the levels of stamina so many of these celebrities have. Sex day and night with anyone who looks your way. Who the hell has the time for that?

  14. How? I'm married and my husband can tell if I spend an extra $20 over the food budget. I can also.tell every time he lies to me literally as soon as he does it. How do people hide drugs, affairs other things? Are you not in tune with each other? What exactly does marriage mean in Hollywood? So many questions. .....

  15. ettacettera7:30 AM

    It's the old robin Williams joke..cocaine is God's way of telling you you have too much money.

  16. back again4:12 PM

    +1 @bobofosho!! -Anna F.was was my 1st thought too.(she being in movies before t.v.). Sad if true though.

  17. back again4:14 PM


  18. back again4:51 PM

    oh my gosh,your comment "I can also tell every time he lies to me, literally..." sounds eerily similar to "These kind of things never happen in this town, ever.."
    ..just observing... ; )

  19. back again5:01 PM

    **oops! -meant to write in my above comment: "our" town, not.. "this" town.. fwiw.

  20. it took forever4:08 AM

    it really is a coping mechanism, and a very euphoric one, its easy for them to become addicts
