Saturday, April 11, 2015

Blind Item #1

This awful celebrity parent to celebrity offspring is cheating on his significant other. I'm pretty sure when she finds out, there will be multiple arrests made and possibly even a murder. They are that combustible together.


  1. Derek Harvey2:16 AM

    michael lohan


    Blohan and that piece of trash druggie he has two kids with...they are really scary

  3. MizFabulous11:22 AM

    I'm probably going straight to hell for saying this, but here goes. Would it really be such a bad thing if Kate Major did the world a tremendous favor by offing that walking, talking shitstain Michael Lohan? He'd be gone for good, she would be locked up for good, and those poor children who had the terrible misfortune to be born to them MIGHT have a scintilla of a chance at growing up without being completely screwed up from spending their formative years under the influence of those two hot messes. The only losers in that scenario are the gossip rags, and I'm sure they could find plenty of other fodder to fill their column inches.
