Thursday, March 19, 2015

Today's Blind Items - The Falling Out

This is quite the quadrangle that is causing all kinds of tension and drama. It affects multiple relationships and a hit show too. The first person (JK) in the quadrangle is an actor who is A- list. He has been in some of the biggest movies of all time. He also has the unique way of being at the right place at the right time. He was an original in a television show. Not the one who made it famous but the one who made the role what it was. Versatile. Just check out his acting when he co-stars with the comic actor who takes up all the space on film and how in a quirky comedy/drama movie his crazy part was handled with just the right amount of seriousness while doing something ridiculous. Now JK has found his way into a hit show. A very hit show. It has resulted in lots of problems with the home life and at work.

JK isn't married, but he might as well be. A very long term relationship with a woman (JF) that has also resulted in kid(s). Because JK is not around as much as perhaps he should be, JF has been meeting other people, most of them online. She met one person who is a fan of JK and the next thing you know she is being emotionally and physically blackmailed and doing things she didn't really want to do or plan on doing with the man.

Speaking of blackmail, then you have EB. EB is a star. Foreign born as with the rest of the people in this blind. EB is being blackmailed. JK and JF know about the blackmail which is why they were a noticeable no show at a very big event involving EB. They think he should take a stand. I know, I know, but you have to remember that JK doesn't know about the blackmailing of JF or he might be more understanding. This no show has caused a huge rift between EB and JK who used to be the best of friends. EB's significant other has also been isolating EB and loves that JK and EB have had this falling out. It makes her job so much easier to not have prying ears and eyes and third party voices chiming in.


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