Saturday, March 07, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #8

September 13, 2014

Huge fight between this married celebrity couple the other day. He is a B+ list singer who deserves to be A list. Prior to them getting married they planned on having a baby together pretty quickly. Then her career took off so now she wants to wait a few years. He is not happy and they did some serious yelling at each other.

John Legend/Chrissy Teigen


  1. sandybrook2:50 AM

    That's what you get when you marry fame hos.

  2. Nothing wrong with a woman wanting to pursue a career!! Ignorant people would call her a golddigger if she sat around doing nothing. Damned if u do, famed if u don't!!

  3. *DAMNED if you don't!!!
    I love autocorrect!!!!

  4. John K7:04 AM

    People bash her on this site. She is nothing but cool on twitter. I don't understand the hate. Long time lurker, first time poster.

  5. John K7:08 AM

    @Sandybrooke. Usually your comments make me smile. What do you have against her? She is intelligent, gorgeous and funny. And likes to cook. And makes a ton of money. Explain to me how that makes her a "fame ho?" That post is ignorant.

  6. Sonia9:10 AM

    I agree, she would get hate no matter what. Also, she SHOULD NOT have a baby until she is ready and really wants to become a mother.

  7. Persiaa1:01 PM

    She's only 29 and models have a short shelf life. She might as well make her money while she is young. It won't hurt to wait a few years.

  8. Scallywag2:20 PM

    John Legend's not A?

  9. Whywhywhy?6:41 AM

    She strikes me as the kind of person who would be a host on the View. Enty, John is A.

  10. Babble7:52 AM

