Sunday, March 29, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #6

September 9, 2014

This A+ list mostly movie actor got into a loud argument while waiting for his car when he spotted this former B+ list mostly television actor who was on a long running hit network show with close ties to the A+ lister. The A+ lister told the B lister to stop trying to interfere and to keep his nose out of everything. The argument had the chance to go violent at one point.

Ben Affleck/Victor Garber


  1. sandybrook3:18 AM

    Tough guy Ben going after near senior citizens :(

  2. Santania3:37 AM

    Victor is really close to Jen, so is Ben cheating on her or treating her badly?

  3. Sad. If Jennifer Garner is using Victor as a sounding board, Victor is minding his own business.

  4. it took forever4:50 AM

    victor must be telling doormat jen to leave ben, good luck on that EVER happening victor

  5. He knows where the bodies are buried in that marriage. Ben must be roiding. If you don't cheat, you don't have to worry.

  6. Lila Fowler5:57 AM

    What'd Ben do this time?

  7. "Is Ben cheating on her..." You're new here, aren't you? :D

  8. Laninna7:51 AM

    Those two so deserve each other.

  9. mindbleach10:51 AM

    @it took forever

    EXACTLY. see I honestly believe jennifer garner doesn't care if there is no intimacy/respect left between her and ben. all she really wanted was to pop out kids and be a PTA mom. she'll never leave him because thats what she loves more, that setup - and without ben as the daddy that dream isnt whole. she could care less about the 'state' of her marriage. all she cares is that it exists.

  10. TopperMadison1:40 AM

    I would have LOVED to see that! I wouldn't know who to root for, though. Love them both.

  11. Penelope 21:38 PM

    He's looking out for his girl Jennifer. I know everyone is worried Ben will go off the deep end with his drinking and gambling and womanizing, but so what? He's a big boy, making his own choices, let the moron self destruct if he wants to.
