Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #6

December 24, 2014

This former C list celebrity who could almost be A list in a certain naked corner of the entertainment world is trying to sell some very juicy stories about her A list ex and it involves child porn and his obsession with it.

Bret Rossi/Charlie Sheen


  1. sandybrook3:27 AM

    Good luck with that! :(

  2. ettacettera3:35 AM

    Should've co-authored with Jon Carter, hehe

  3. ettacettera3:37 AM

    Oh, Cryer..not Carter!

  4. back again4:07 AM

    @ettacettera, hahaha-- i was wondering what Taylor Kitsch had to do with this...

  5. Riven4:12 AM

    Bullshit she just wants cash to shut her up because he has too many other secrets (of the non-pedo variety) he can't risk being leaked. There is no way Denise Richards 1. Wouldn't know about it and 2. Would allow him near any children.

  6. Riven4:20 AM

    Addendum: I admit I don't know anything about CS and DR's current relationship, last I heard Brooke and this chick got bounced and are frothing at the mouth cause DR cleaned up house and won't let CS give them money. I also don't doubt that this chick is trying to sell this story. I just don't buy it, unless I missed the headlines where DR has forbidden him access to the kids again.

  7. Penelope 24:43 AM

    He's obsessed with kiddie porn?

    I can't take it, why hasn't he been buried yet. He's stealing air.

  8. LostInNJ5:37 AM

    This has been floating around FOREVER.
    Notice how he NEVER has ANY of his kids with him alone.
    Denise is with all those girls all the time when he is around so it seems.
    It was said his addiction to kiddie porn was mentioned in his divorce from Denise.
    He pays all these ladies way so unless they are prepared to pay their own ways, they will never tell.
    I for one, believe it, he is a sick, sick man who has done and prob does a lot of drugs. He is a mess and does not deserve to breathe.

  9. Lauraok5:46 AM

    Denise Richards knows about it and never leaves her children alone with him. The Smoking Gun has her divorce complaint and it details Charlie Sheen's porn viewing habits, including what appears to be both male and female child porn --along with a lot of other disgusting and violent behavior. I think when they "get along" now, she tries to help him, but I doubt she'd ever trust him again. This has been public news for almost 10 years - I can't imagine how he still gets away with so much. Link to divorce filing (sorry, don't know how to make it "clicky")

  10. Riven7:08 AM

    Thanks for the info! I thought it was just the drugs, wrong again.

  11. Riven7:29 AM

    Thanks for the info! I thought it was just the drugs, clearly cutting him way too much slack.

  12. Patrick7:57 AM

    This. If they actually say he's a pedo and prove it, his career officially ends. And when it ends, so does the gravy train. It behooves everyone to keep quiet unfortunately.

  13. Laninna8:25 AM

    Not to defend Charlie, but I don't see reference to kiddie porn, just "what seems to be" underage girls and boys. If they were children it would be stated differently. The Japanese love their schoolgirl porn. They can pass as very young but aren't. It's disturbing nonetheless, but I'm not sure it's that unusual for men to be attracted to high schoolers, it's just the law that stops them.

  14. Whywhywhy?8:55 AM

    Wow Lauraoak....carefully worded but sounds like his ass should be in jail. Other than Emilio are there any other Estevez Sheen Siblings on the planet. I think we can let this one go. I know Charlie has an older daughter which hopefully he wasnt in his life. He may end up like Gary Glitter if the world is lucky.

  15. Rocky9:20 AM

    What happened in the Sheen household that let loose a freak like this? Addicts don't just get into something like child porn.

  16. Jess Sayin'12:57 PM

    Well, according to the two Coreys (Feldman & Haim, RIP), Charlie took Corey H's virginity while they were filming "Lucas", with the emphasis on the "took" part. As close to rape as you can get without charges getting filed. Sheen was 18, Haim 13. Whether that counts as defining his tastes wrt underage boys (and/or girls) is another issue.

    And of course, his tastes might have changed over the years. But they probably haven't.

  17. Jess Sayin'12:59 PM

    Charlie and Emilio have a sister, Renee Estevez.

  18. sierrarose2:17 AM

    Re: the Estevez/Sheen siblings there is also another brother named Ramon Estevez.

  19. Oh, she knows. And she's paid very well to keep her mouth shut.
