Monday, March 30, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

Going through some of the old reveals looking for ones to revisit, I come across a few that have not been revealed.

September 28, 2007

This A+ aging Academy Award winning actor has been in this space recently for some wacky summer adventures. Now, he's back in LA and for some reason that no one can fathom has started turning up at garage sales every Saturday morning. No one knows if he is just being generous or he's losing his mind because he is buying absolute junk and keeps buying junk until his car is filled, and then he drives off. It has happened the past three Saturdays.

Jack Nicholson


  1. Maleficent5:50 AM

    Jackie boy has always liked some junk in the trunk!
    Big deal!

  2. And-so-on..6:09 AM

    Crazy like an inspired creative fox.. yeah, I bet he's winning with his artistically embellished masterpiece creations on Ebay soon... Just his famous name means whatever he does sells.. Seen the junk piles of stuff displayed as art in museums lately?

  3. Back in the 80's, Jack was filming 'Prizzi's Honor' with Kathleen Turner -- who I had worked with (as a crew member) on 'Crimes of Passion' Anyway, I got a job working on a toy commercial at Culver Studios. While on a filming break, I went to the stage where Prizzi's was filming to say hello to Kathleen. (When I arrived, she acted like she didn't want me there, So I left.) I ended up at another building where I knew they had a basketball rim set up. As a few of us crew people were killing time shooting baskets, Jack came along and joined us. We played H-O-R-S-E with Jack. I found him a likable, crazy guy who loved basketball. (Good Memories!)

  4. Planet J6:52 AM

    How cool! I bet that was fun!

  5. WalterNeff6:54 AM

    I played half-court with Nicholson on the set of Drive, He Said - that's a LONG time ago

  6. June Gordon7:33 AM

    If history servers, he is probably looking for underage girls.
