Sunday, March 01, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 12, 2014

This former A list mostly television actress from a long running hit network sitcom has failed at her most recent attempts at network television. She is back for another shot and is making the network angry because she keeps doing product endorsements from the set that conflict with advertisers they have lined up for the show. Our actress told the network to give her a raise and she will stop. She is such a pain. Why does anyone hire her?

Debra Messing


  1. And-so-on..3:00 AM

    She's a constant troublesome pain and money grubber because they allow her to skate by on too much.. Eventually those in power realize she isn't all that popular anymore will be brave enough to show her the exit door..

  2. Planet J3:11 AM

    You'd think,since product endorsement has become so popular,that networks would put something in the contracts that ban these entertainers from doing it,especially if it conflicts with the shows adverts..or at least have it to where that can't do it on set.

  3. She also seems to have photoshopping of face included in her contract. There is a constant blur on her face on the show. It's like there's a halo on her face.

  4. June Gordon11:02 PM

    Isn't she shilling for Cindy Crawford's fake line of skincare?

    I love it when actresses with lots of plastic surgery sell skincare potions so you can look exactly like them!

    But I am glad Debra has shaken off that post-abortion weight. She don't got to wear all them scarves no more.

  5. Wil in MSP11:57 AM

    It's called vaseline and it is placed on the lens of the camera as a "softening" effect for aging actresses .. and probably these days vain as f**k actors, too!
