Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 3, 2014

This married B- list mostly television actress is hated on the set of her almost network television show. Quick to act like she is the star, even though she isn't, she also likes to name drop and is always telling her hair and makeup people about the party with so and so and the gifts from so and so and annoys the workers to no end. What really makes them talk smack about her though is that she refuses to even acknowledge one of the staff if she sees them outside of the set.

Jenna Dewan


  1. How do you spell bitch? J-e-n-n-a!

  2. I watched the first season of that show. She really isn't very good. I'd like to see both daughters go by the wayside and just focus on Julia Ormond and Madchen Amick.

  3. she can be as full of herself as she wants. everybody is laughing about her behind her back because channing tatum wants to bang everyone but his wife.

  4. too real2:36 AM

    who is she? Really
