Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 17, 2014

This former B list mostly movie actress who thankfully might never get to star again in a movie was in her second home (club) the other night when she started screaming that someone had stolen her coat. Oh, the irony. It turns out that our starlet was sitting on it. Yep. That is how drunk she was. She then started flipping the coat around and searching for the pocket before reaching in and smiling to herself.

Lindsay Lohan



  1. Derek Harvey2:26 AM

    Thats our Lilo.....

  2. Kno Won Uno2:35 AM

    It's like a coat stealing cascade.

  3. MontanaMarriott2:41 AM

    Already revealed Enty

  4. Iknowrite?2:49 AM

    She had so much talent; all gone. Eclipsed by attitude

  5. sandybrook2:50 AM

    She probably stole that coat in the first place.

  6. back again3:39 AM

    LOL @sandy "Hey,who stole my stolen coat"?

  7. hunter3:44 AM

    I have a well placed friend who is telling me Lindsay is currently sober. I have a hard time believing it but the apricot ashtray HAS been looking much better lately (still in London I believe).

  8. I was watching a movie on TV with Jane Fonda and Lindsey entered the scene. I like Jane. She is a great actress, but Lindsey is soooo bad at acting that the mere presence of her destroyed the entire movie for me. Went back to watching Golf!

  9. Iknowrite?3:59 AM

    Bwahahaha apricot ashtray!

  10. back again4:06 AM

    oh lordy @hunter..."the apricot ashtray"-too funny.-And I for one(m/b the only one on this Site)would love it if Lindsay could get & stay sober.
