Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Blind Item #5

This A list singer started off on reality television. She might want to star facing reality. When your husband does agree to travel with you which is rarely, why is it that he insists on separate rooms and never even on the same floor? I guess she is ok with the cheating.


  1. Tricia1311:46 PM

    Kelly Clarkson

  2. Kno Won Uno11:48 PM

    I think the poor girl is going to hit a brick wall at some point in the not-too-distant-future. Then again, I've been expecting that since before they got married and everything seems fine, so I hope I'm wrong.

  3. Tricia1311:54 PM

    @KWU.mjust saw a glimpse of an interview she gave saying she was never "in love" before that assclown Brandon.(which is why she came to mind); I think it's case of low self esteem and he preys on it. She seems like a great person and I hope she finds the fortitude

  4. Kno Won Uno12:00 AM

    @Tricia, I always suspected he was more interested in riding her coattails than romance, though I have no basis for that. The baby is adorable and seems happy, which is nice for everyone.

  5. Tricia1312:03 AM

    I'm sure she embraces that, you can tell she's loving. And yeppers, riding her talent train, he is.

  6. CStyle12:40 AM

    OK. If this is true I'm disappointed. Brandon is very successful in Nashville as a manager. He is also Rebas son in law. Sometimes I think some of the BI are fabricated!

  7. Planet J1:06 AM

    I love Kelly..I would really hate it if this was true.

  8. Peter Rabbit1:15 AM

    Carrie Underwood.

  9. I like KC, too. She seems above the Hollywood BS.
    Reba needs to smack him.

  10. Whywhywhy?1:55 AM

    I hope not Kelly. I hate that she and Adele get picked on because they are fat. I know Adele writes some of her songs and Kelly at least cowrites. Ooh wait, they don't twerk which is the definer of talent for even non "models" now. ugh

  11. If Kelly dropped the opportunist and came out the closet that weight would drop right off....

  12. Whywhywhy?2:36 AM

    Kelly's gay? How about Adele? She gay too?

  13. Not that I know of.

  14. susan4:09 AM

    I'm confused by CStyle's comment though.... how is he Reba's son in law?

  15. She strikes me as a woman who seems grateful that a guy is interested in/married her. Like she sells herself short. Kick his ass to the curb, and enjoy yourself with that adorable baby.

  16. Pen-a-lope7:53 AM

    Kelly's husband is the son of Reba's husband.

  17. Oh, there are LOTS of stories about Brandon cheating. This is hardly the first whisper of it!

  18. Whywhywhy?9:02 AM

    Well Ay, you must know something cause there a lot of fat gay women starting with Rosie O'Donnell. Being out has made her hate filled body lose weight.

  19. Lol obviously being fat is not a gay thing. But that's always been the rumor about Kelly even when she was in shape. Never seen any chemistry with her and men.

  20. Whywhywhy?10:50 PM

    Like I said, you must know something. I didn't know that about her. I think if there was ever a time to be out of the closet it is now but who knows what her hang-ups and background are. It was so hard for my cousin with our Catholic background, that he hid his lifestyle and died at 23 in 1995. The thing is we all thought that child was gay so who was he hiding from himself.
