Sunday, March 29, 2015

Blind Item #4

This married foreign born A list mostly movie actor is not only enjoying the local nightlife when it comes to women but also brought in his ex girlfriend who vowed never to even speak to him again after he dumped her so quickly for the B list mostly movie actress he married.


  1. tricia132:47 AM

    Daniel Craig

  2. tricia132:48 AM

    Satziki Mitchell (ex GF)/ Rachael Weicsz

  3. it took forever2:57 AM

    well guess that marriage is unofficially over, its a good thing they didnt have kids

  4. French girl3:25 AM

    Rachel weisz came with him in France when He worked in Spectrés filming

  5. alice6:41 PM

    What about Tom Hardy? He’s been partying with Leo. He got married secretly with that Charlotte girl, but always had a relationship going on with Noomi Rapace. But it doesn’t fit that Charlotte Riley is B, she wouldn’t even be a C if it weren’t for him.
