Monday, March 16, 2015

Blind Item #1

This mid-teen A- list Disney star is about to move into the getting close to legal category. To celebrate, her parents let her get some work done. Actually more than a little. Her face looks nothing like it did six months ago. She is already using fillers and injections and makes her look much older. Maybe that is what she is going for.


  1. Tricia1311:31 PM

    bella Thorne?
    Dunno Disney

  2. sandybrook11:32 PM

    Bella Thorne

  3. sandybrook11:34 PM

    possibly Peyton List I cant tell from google.

  4. back again3:05 AM

    her parents are idiots & obviously money whores

  5. Sarah3:22 AM

    Zendaya is already 18. Bella is still 16.

  6. She already looks 21 and she's 16

  7. Thorne's 17-1/2 and has looked 10 years older than her age for years. If this is her it's not well thought out.

  8. LimoMan7:01 AM

    Bella is 17 and a lot of people have been saying that she has been getting lip injections. She also has said that her boobs have finally come out. Problem is though they have not. Yet.

  9. boredtechindenver9:09 AM

    They are coming out...of the box at the plastic surgeons.

  10. Jim Summers2:57 PM

    Bella's lips look awful and don't fit well with her face, they are so obviously lip injections of the worst kind.

  11. It's amazing what a little makeup and puberty will do. You people are stupid if you are gullible enough to believe this nonsense.

  12. Jim Summers1:32 PM

    You don't hit puberty at 17. Someone is riding the Bella worship train and it ain't pretty.
