Today's Blind Items - The Celebrity Sex Broker - Part Four
From Cash To Furs To Blood Diamonds And Endorsements – How A Celebrity Gets Paid For Sex - Tax Evasion At Its Finest
During his time in LA, Bani would give me a call and tell me he needed to reschedule. It would be buyer or seller or some other kind of issue he would deal with but I never really understood until I asked. I guess I assumed that all of the celebrities were paid in cash or wire transfers. I was wrong. It is not the first time. Bani said that everyone was happy to pay in cash of course or do a wire transfer, but most celebrities wanted it to be untaxed income. To do this, they either had to get paid in cash and not declare the money to customs when entering the country or figure out a way to get several wire transfers beneath the mandatory $10,000 reporting requirement to the IRS. The problem with both of those is the former involved not just the failure to declare the money but how to smuggle in some cases $250,000 in cash without any security checkpoint person seeing it in your luggage. With the latter trick, banks notice repeated transfers of amounts under the limit and the IRS can seize your bank account and make you explain why you are not guilty while they hold the money.
Until 9/11 these types of rules either didn’t exist or were rarely enforced. The technology and the will to enforce them were lacking. Another thing that changed was the prices being paid. You would think that with the proliferation of television, especially reality television and the sheer volume of people on television that prices would be lower. That is not the case.
Prices have gone through the roof. Although there is a glut of people on television, there has been a competition among the regulars to always have the newest or best or most well-known celebrity. So, yes someone from a season of The Real World might not be getting paid much although there are at least five names I recognized from various seasons of the show including one who finances her gambling career with regular cash infusions from sex. The bigger the name, the higher the price. On a side note, this is one of the reasons some female celebrities make sure they are in the tabloids or get their photos taken on a daily basis. They are trying to get noticed. They want to be seen. They want to be a big “get” for these men so they can charge premium rates. If you see a woman in the tabloids every single day, there is a very good chance she is paying a pap because it is a good investment for her. There are some other interesting behaviors or tells about the celebrities that participate.
If you see a woman flying alone in First Class on one of the UAE or Qatar airlines, she is most likely getting paid by a man to fly to see them. If a celebrity is frequently in Miami or goes to Miami for modeling shoots the chances are good she is selling herself. Several photographers in Miami make their living shooting photos for the private websites used by the men to select the celebrities. If you see a female celebrity in Cannes or in the Mediterranean for most of the summer or for weeks at a time in the summer she is working the circuit. There are several magazines that exist solely to advertise celebrities to these men. They have little to no advertising and generally waver between the line of art and porn.
Enough of that for now, let’s talk about who and how these women are paid.
The easiest and most common way for the women to get paid is to make it look like a legitimate business deal. One of these businessmen opens a business in Los Angeles. It can be anything from an ice cream store that never really expands to an energy drink company that never seems to sell any drinks. Look who owns them. Generally it will be a man from the Middle East. Someone you would not expect to get an endorsement deal is suddenly being paid a ton of money to endorse the ice cream store or the energy drink and get their photo in the tabloids. The agents and managers love this because they take their cut. Yep, they are basically getting pimp money. The female gets paid and then goes to the Middle East where there is the only other location for the business. Huh. Imagine that. They go for a night or two and have sex for the stupid amount of money they were paid.
Another option that is catching on is the woman flies to the country and in the country is taken shopping. She picks out a gift from a certain store that is worth the equivalent of what she is getting paid. She then brings that gift back to LA, usually in her luggage or wearing it. If for some reason she is questioned about whether she bought it out of the country she can say no, she bought it at a store in LA which will vouch she bought it there and even produce a receipt if necessary. The woman is welcome to keep the gift or she will go to the store that happens to buy gold and silver and other things and buys the item from the woman and gives her cash.
Another option that occurs is a woman is paid in diamonds. This happens a great deal with women in Europe much more than women from the US. The diamonds are blood diamonds which are exchanged back in their home country for a diamond that is not a blood diamond. It is an easy way to smuggle in blood diamonds and often the women will keep them for themselves.
So, who are some of these women? In tomorrow’s final installment I will have a list of about 30 women who are on this list. I won’t bother with the D listers or the countless Instagram models that do whatever they can to get attention in the Middle East and a weekend of work there. Nope. There is no need to focus on the lower listers when I can bring up people like the A list mostly movie actress who is married right now. Foreign born and with an Academy Award nomination/win to her credit. Gorgeous. She has moved from indie type movies to box office comedy popcorn flicks. There was a period of time where she was making trips every three months until she landed her rich husband who contacted her through one of the channels. You don’t have to be Middle eastern to participate, but you have to be rich and know someone very well there to be included. Oh, there are two sets of sisters that I saw on the list that everyone would know. One set of sisters is born in the US and you can choose one, two or all three of the sisters depending on what you want to happen and how much money you have. One of the sisters is more famous than the other two. There are the two sisters who are foreign born. One of them is an Academy Award winner/nominee and made ends meet for quite some time with sex for money with the men. Her sister still makes her living doing it.
Lots of Formula 1 executives met their wives or girlfriends this way. Oh, there is the foreign born A list super model who has not had to earn extra money that way for over a decade thanks to her television shows, but she used to. There were several Victoria’s Secret models on the list. Both past and current.
One foreign born celebrity from the UK who everyone knows or suspects makes her living that way was turned down for inclusion to the list this year because she had gained some weight. She called or texted Bani the entire time he was in LA, every day to tell him about her progress. He showed me the series of nude pictures. She would send two or three a day to show the progress and apparently when I last asked about her, she was going to be allowed to work the circuit. Working the circuit is not as prestigious as the flying over for a night or two. When you work the circuit you are paid a flat fee for expenses and given a place to stay and your airfare, but you have to hustle and find someone to pay you. It is not charging by the hour because you still have to make the cut and you do get paid the daily stipend but these women can often go through a dozen or more men over a two month period.
The List And How Times Are Changing