Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Today's Blind Items - The Celebrity Sex Broker - Part Three

Asians , Russians And The Murder That Shook Things Up

The first meeting with Bani was a blur. There were so many names and faces and books and records and stories and royal families and this and that it was hard to keep up. When I finally had enough and needed some booze in a very desperate way, we made plans to meet the next evening.  Late. He had some meetings and originally thought we would only be meeting an hour or two. Instead it was five and we had not even reached the tip of the iceberg. Well, maybe the tip.

I went home and tried to process it. Even though I have only given you five or six blinds to this point, I was probably given 100 names those first few hours. I’m trying to go chronologically for you, but he was tossing out names from different decades and then I would ask a question about a person and it would send him on a tangent.

One of those tangents started with me asking him why to that point at least I was not seeing or hearing any Asian women on the list. It was just a toss away question but it led to one of those most interesting stories he told me during any of our meetings. Apparently there is a certain cache in this world in acquiring English speaking women. Basically Australia, the UK, the US and some parts of Western Europe. They want to have seen the woman on television or the movies. They honestly don’t care if the woman is on some British reality program like Made in Chelsea or in Transformers. They want someone they know their friends know and can recognize. Yeah, who knew reality television was big over there. It actually isn’t. What is big though are tabloids and gossip websites. Most of those are in English and cover the shows and movies of the aforementioned countries.

Asians are not generally covered in the news and tabloids they read or discuss. Further, he said that most of the domestic workforce in the households  are from Asian countries or India so there is nothing special about being seen or having sex with an Asian.

This led me to ask a follow-up question. I know, I know, entertainment reporters asking a follow-up question would be a nice treat wouldn’t it? Asking any kind of real question would be good. I wasn’t going to get all Kneepaddy on them. I asked if there were any other groups of people they didn’t like dealing with and he said Russians. Was this a mafia thing? Some other reason?

Bani leaned back in the chair in which he was seated and took out a cigarette. Apparently the whole no smoking thing in the suite didn’t really bother him and I was pretty sure he could afford the extra cleaning fee. Even Ravi seemed to move a little from his position of attention. I’m pretty sure he was able to sleep standing up. I did see him sit a few times. Once when I was at a bar with Bani, we sat at a table and Ravi sat at a bar stool .

“It happened about fifteen years ago,” Bani began.  “There was a woman  (YD)that every person wanted and they all were trying their hardest and doing everything in their power to make it happen. People were literally throwing money to be the first to say they had been with her.”

Well, finally one of the guys manages a break through. He had followed her to a couple of events where she had been working and sent over some gifts. One, a bracelet she still wears sometimes that cost in excess of a million dollars. So, the two have some dinner and they make plans to meet in Paris in April which was a few weeks away.

They meet in Paris and have a great time. They spend two or three nights together and they are spotted in a couple of different places together and this guy is a hero back home. He would have lived off that praise for a long time. The only problem is, a few weeks after their nights together he is killed in a Berlin hotel room. The killers make it very clear why they killed him. It was because of this woman he had been with.

Apparently there were several men in Russia who wanted to be with her. The oligarchs had tried and failed, but there were two men who at one point in time were actually A listers  (YE, YF) in their own little niche here in the US. Both of them were fighting for her. When one would go out with her the other would go crazy and it was not uncommon for some collateral damage. A friend of one or the other would get beat up. No one had ever been killed. Apparently at the time YD hooked up with the man, she was in a relationship with YE. He actually has a significant other (YG) now who is arguably more famous than YD, at least here in the US.  As time goes by she is especially more likely to stay more famous just because she still has a career. Anyway, back to the story. YE goes nuts when he hears about this. Both YE and YF are paying protection money to the mafia which comes directly out of their pay.  The mafia members were listed as “Managers.” So, YE complains that he wants something done for all of this money he is paying and a couple of guys are sent to find the guy and they kill him. When he is out of the way, YE tells YD what he has done and proposes to her. She accepts.

At this point in the story, Bani does not really know what happened to YD and YE and YF. If you figure out who they are, you can fill in those blanks.

Meanwhile, back home in the UAE, something has to be done. There has to be some kind of payback. There was and there is. For the past fifteen years on average about once every two years a Russian “businessman” is killed who has ties back to the UAE and shortly after that someone with ties to the UAE is killed by the Russians. Those killings usually happen in London.  All of this over one woman.

How do these women get paid? Wire transfers? Cash? This is a lot of money we are talking about here.

From Cash To Furs To Blood Diamonds And Endorsement – How A Celebrity Gets Paid For Sex - Tax Evasion At Its Finest


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