Sunday, February 01, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #6

November 6, 2014

This former B+ list celebrity turned part-time reality star is still technically married. She also dropped $5K two nights ago on female strippers and lap dances before taking one home. No big deal, except the stripper thought it was going to be a one on one thing and left when she discovered there was a guy there who also wanted to be part of the fun.

Amber Rose


  1. sandybrook2:32 AM

    Ho didn't want Nick ??

  2. NoWhining3:38 AM

    Ho didn't want to give a 2-for-1 special.

  3. B+? Reaallyyy enty? Really?

  4. Estan1:48 PM

    Who the hell is taking care of her baby while all this gallivanting is going on? I can hardly doubt the dad is around much

  5. nv8943612:32 AM

    Do you think she cannot afford a decent babysitter? Do you think all parent give up socializing when they have children? HARSH.

  6. Missing Linc4:27 AM

    Here is another person with no talent who is not all that attractive yet rappers and athletes jump over, through, and under hoops for a piece. She must give super h**d
