Monday, February 02, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 7, 2014

This soon to be A list mostly movie actress when her widely anticipated movie is released has a new boyfriend. He is a celebrity. He is also someone who cheats frequently and has been doing so in the short amount of time the couple have been dating. Groupies and celebs. He will take whatever he can get. His most surprising celebrity(not actress) hookup also hooks up with that recently uncoupled celebrity.

Dakota Johnson/Alexa Chung


  1. Squeege2:39 AM

    I swear this site runs slower everytime I browse it. Is anyone else still have that problem?

  2. slim shady2:46 AM

    me too!!

  3. Maria2:52 AM

    same here!

    Wondering who the guy is…?!

  4. slim shady2:59 AM

    is it the musician M Hitt? I guess Alexa Chung has a type...

  5. Squeege3:00 AM

    It must be why so few people post now. I've read this site for years and there used to be dozens if not hundreds of comments for each article. Where has everyone gone?

  6. Missing Linc3:14 AM

    What makes this Alexa chick so special? She had "dated" all the celebrities but appears to be nothing spectacular in her pics

  7. ettacettera3:16 AM

    They got fed up with the's a pain. After seeing a few previews of Dakota whispering her lines from a cue card, I'm predicting a razzie in her future, not A status.

  8. Growing up with who her parents are & step dad, she probably would think something was wrong if a guy didn't cheat.

  9. yes! it's because of all the friggin' ads ( i have adblock, but the site still has to process the ads first), not to mention that bloody video in the top right corner.

  10. Squeege5:09 AM

    It's definitely a pain. One of the best things about this site has always been the people who post. The ones who've stayed are still just as entertaining :)

  11. back again6:03 AM

    as the long gone hundreds of posters like Lady Heisenberg used to type... " TTL " & " DR"

  12. back again6:04 AM

    Yup!!! @Sandybrook always remained faithful &hung in there thru & thru..

  13. it took forever8:41 AM

    alexa sure does get around

  14. drunk chick9:49 AM

    Alexa's been rumored to be with Chris Martin too, right? And she was with the Arctic Monkeys guy for a long time. I remember reading somewhere before that she's a self confessed groupie... So...

  15. Penelope 212:06 PM

    These dudes have low standards. Alexa Chung is hard on the eyed even by regular people, non-Hollywood standards.
