Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Kindness

November 12, 2014

This singer is probably B list in her portion of the singing world. She started out on reality television and would be great on it in a different format or the same show but no one will give her a chance. Anyway, she is a big fan of organ donation and bone marrow testing and when her record label signed her made everyone at the label sign organ donation cards and had them promise to be available for bone marrow testing.

Kellie Pickler



  1. figgy2:27 AM

    MADE them? Used her influence to compel them to be available for bone marrow testing? Fuck that, that's not a kindness, that's coercion. If she wants to do it fine. If she wants to pay the cost of testing (which is not insubstantial and is a barrier for many would-be donors), even better. But to force others? That would not be admirable. Or, maybe this is just another shittily-written faux-Enty blind.

  2. Brooklyn Girl2:31 AM

    She also shaved her head when her friend had to go through chemo for cancer. She is a really good person, who really cares. She deserves the best in life.

  3. Malibuborebee4:34 AM

    Shut the fuck up, figgy.

    Good for Kelli - she's a flake but she's a kindhearted flake.

  4. Penelope5:22 AM

    It's nice that she is kind, but she shouldn't force anyone to do anything. Maybe that is why she doesn't get more work.

  5. Patrick5:45 AM

    To ask them to do it, or suggest it would be one thing. To make them do it is not "kind".

  6. I love her but I think the doctor has to stick a needle in your hip to get marrow to test. They numb you but the thought of it kept someone I know from doing it for months and that in turn caused other problems.

    I would be afraid unless it was for my own health.
