Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Blind Item #9

Just because there was some offspring present doesn't mean this A list talk show host didn't cheat on his wife this past weekend. If anything, he was even more crazy than normal.


  1. Tricia133:46 AM

    No one going for this???
    Chris cuomo

  2. Tricia133:47 AM

    Kiddin. Don't like him for personal reasons :(

  3. back again3:54 AM

    well there's a teaser if eva I've read one Tricia ; )
    I get pissed at myself b/c I don't like Fallon at all but I like the skits & stuff he gets his guests to do-I feel like a total hypocrite when I watch his show 7 i'm amused!!

  4. Wendy3:54 AM

    Why does Fallon have to be so funny if he's such a horrible person!?

  5. Tricia134:03 AM

    I think we can like Fallon. Hes a funny dude, and by all accounts, a humble a and nice guy. Maybe he got married cuz he felt it was expected or he's traditional in some way, and maybe a lot of info on him is false. Thing is- in that industry,must extremely rare to have a perfect marriage( especially comics with their highs and lows). Bug look- his wife Nancy is longtime BFF's with Drew Barrymore who just did that great spot on his show- so, chances are if things were real bad btwn hubby and wife, she would not have. It was optional, and you can see the love they have as friends.
    So, there's that.

  6. Tricia134:03 AM


  7. Princess Kate4:16 AM

    I think Fallon is hilarious. I know his name gets thrown out every time there's a blind about a talk show host, but I can't remember ever reading a confirmed bad blind about him? Am I forgetting something?

  8. back again4:18 AM

    unless there's undeniable proof or a poster tells a factual story,I take all of the stuff I read on here with a grain of salt.. I don't like Fallon b/c he hit on a friend of mine & was obnoxious about it & he'd just done a story about being a loving Dad & his awesome wife,blah,blah,blah re/his 1st baby!

  9. Tricia134:26 AM

    I see that as being a reason to dislike him@BA. It's a personal account and he just had a baby. My younger sis was hit on him too a loooong time ago though(when he first caught fire in SNL) and he was charming she said. Also- likes his coke as she observed .So if there's a BI about that with him, I tend to think it's true sadly.

  10. Princess Kate4:30 AM

    I always thought coke was an official job requirement at SNL. Keeps them peppy late at night.

  11. Tricia134:56 AM

    ^^ this

  12. back again5:27 AM

    I always thought coke was an official requirement to be able to watch SNL last coupla years...
    Although,their last one w/B&W Casablanca segment & Ben Franklin(?) @ weekend update(the Beatles ruined Yoko's career.. lol) was best I've seen in awhile -it was like the Writers Were Prepping for 40th anniversary show this month!!

  13. Sarah6:26 AM

    While I don't consider Today a talk show - I think the current version of Enty does. So - I'm going with Matt Lauer. Was at the Super Bowl with his son and posting about making memories.

  14. I like Sarah's guess. Fallon has been a regular at our bar in Hell's Kitchen for years and has always been a nice, cool guy. And his daughters are babies. Why would he be with them when he's been working like crazy in Arizona and LA and his wife not around? My mind went to someone with older kids.

  15. Karen8:31 AM

    It was someone at the Super Bowl, I assume, so I don't see Fallon bringing his little kids.

    I have no guess, though. I don't know which talk show hosts went to the Super Bowl, unless it was someone like Strahan. But Strahan is divorced? I don't know.

  16. back again8:49 AM

    I like @Karen's guess too !!! Matt Lauer -the talk show host...hahaha

  17. back again8:50 AM

    oops ..I mean @Sarah's Guess!!!

  18. Tricia138:48 PM

    Been watching that non stop!
