Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Blind Item #5

I suppose this actor is A list because he probably won't make a movie where he is not the lead. Oh, he will do a cameo, but he likes to be the lead. Funny guy. Never really play serious. Married. Probably sweats a lot during sex because of his size. The woman he picked up at an event last week didn't talk about sweating but did say that he smelled and didn't last very long when they had sex.


  1. Tricia1311:47 PM

    Jon Favreau

  2. French girl11:48 PM

    Vince vaughn

  3. back again11:48 PM

    not my Vince! Will Farrell deserves A

  4. Lazy daze11:49 PM

    maybe Jonah hill??? He hasn't been getting any smaller lately.

  5. back again11:53 PM

    Good Guess @Tricia, You got This One !!!!

  6. back again11:54 PM

    @Tricia got it w/Jon Favreau

  7. Tricia1311:57 PM

    Thanks@ BA!!
    And we can share our Vince:))))

  8. Will Farrell

  9. back again12:20 AM

    I wrote Will Farrell above & he was @SuperBowl & Jimmy Fallen Event buuuuut,doesn't he deserve "A" rating at this point unlike what Enty is inferring here in the BI (he's reluctantly saying he's "A" status)

  10. Tricia1312:24 AM

    @ BA true- also he's a team player I think( SnL mandates it): I said favrreau because of wording: he directs/ so he can cast himself as the lead.( going back to his debut film a Swingers). Pretty sure the event was his screening " misery loves comedy" at sundance

  11. Tricia1312:27 AM

    Pops directs/ writes( sorry Jon)
    Chef was awesome fwiw

  12. back again12:29 AM

    Yeah,I know..I'm agreeing w/Favreau guess--I was explaining why it wasn't Will Farrell -I think we're kind of saying the same thing ; )

  13. back again12:31 AM

    yup,Chef was clearly a crowd pleaser-- everyone liked it -it was sweet

  14. Will Farrell

  15. back again12:59 AM

    Plus, Jon Favreau has gotten Huge & is in terrible shape so he would sweat a lot(&smell m/b...gross) whereas, Will Farrell is in awesome shape,great endurance b/c he trains for Marathons & Triathalons

  16. tricia131:02 AM

    Jon looks well, like he smells:(

  17. YES! I loved Chef! What a good movie. That movie sparked something in me...made me want to reignite my passion. That movie was truly a pleasant surprise.

  18. Greengrl1:18 AM

    But Jon has played the supporting character in the Iron Man movies (he directed one of them) and Four Christmases.

  19. sandybrook1:26 AM

    Besides weight size=tall and Ferrell is a dick.

  20. back again1:32 AM

    I know--& he wasn't even a Cameo in "Cowboys & Indians" at all which he directed, but by the physical description..why would one assume he'd sweat unless out of shape,overweight or Tweeking out on something...Being Tall like Will F.OR Vince V. doesn't make one prone to sweating more than most.. imho.

  21. CrashDiego1:36 AM

    Kevin James

  22. Courtney1:47 AM

    seth Rogen?

  23. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:51 AM

    " Probably sweats a lot during sex because of his size." . Guesses: Kevin James, seth Rogen, Jon Favreau, Will Farrell... That image is what nightmares are made of.

  24. Malibuborebee5:05 AM

    Farrell's not a fat pig. Could be any of the rest of them except Favreau is hardly ever the star of his films, is he? He was the star in Chef (a very good film, I agree with everyone) but other than that I can't think of another recent lead role. I may have missed it, but the last thing before Chef I can think of him in is a supporting role in Iron Man.

  25. back again8:00 AM

    oooh,totally for forgot about him..good guess@Courtney
