Sunday, February 08, 2015

Blind Item #2 - GRAMMYs

Our favorite foreign born B list singer/part-time actress has not been doing much press for her new movie, but she would not stop talking about it last night at an after party even while she was bent over doing lines of coke. You would think she was the star, although to hear her tell it, she had sex with enough people working on the movie to make her own.


  1. Tricia1310:49 PM

    Rita ora

  2. Whora else?

  3. drunk chick10:55 PM


  4. Leslie10:58 PM

    Rita Ora! Who was she sleeping with from 50 Shades???

  5. Kno Won Uno11:03 PM

    Ho's gon' ho.

  6. Can somebody please tell me what Rita Ora has done other than f@@@ a Kardashian?

  7. Damn that girl's a whora

  8. Hussie11:40 PM

    Leslie, it's Dornan. According to Enty's prior blinds. Apparently now, not just Dornan. Hmmm Id love it if Whora slept with the cougar's son, errrrr husband.

  9. Leslie12:00 AM

    Jamie Dornan is a cheater????? I never got the cheating vibe from him. Wasn't his wife with him when he was filming FSOG? Has he ever been caught or is it just speculation?

  10. Interesting - Ora and Dornan, what is wrong with Dornan??? That man's wife needs to go get tested!!! I saw that they are both going to be the Graham Norton show together next week, wonder if they will go for Round 2!

  11. Kno Won Uno12:13 AM

    That should be plural, not possessive ho.

  12. Malibuborebee11:29 AM

    Keira Knightley certainly caught him when they were together and I presume his wife has as well.

    Not to put too fine a point on it, Leslie, but people live with their spouses and are with them all the time - they still cheat.

  13. drunk chick11:59 AM

    Agree. In showbiz, cheating is part of their personal lives.

  14. To make her own what? Movie?

  15. Dufus5:26 PM

    J.Mo, whora bragging about the movie and squealing about who she slept with in the set, it's as if she's claiming she's top billing the movie. That's what Enty meant.

    Whora is like a walking STD. Is she still together with that Hilfiger boytoy? Anyway, she's so irrelevant in the movie, like they could kill her off and no one would care. She's a slut, and the men she slept with on set probably were just really horny that time. IF something really happened between him and Jamie Dornan, then any respect I have for the actor has gone down the drain.

  16. Universal Cousin5:31 PM

    I have a cousin who works for Universal, and he said that according to those who worked on the set, Jamie Dornan was distant on set with his costars including Dakota and Rita Ora. Not distant as in not friends, but he was never flirtatious or bonding in an intimate/close way with those he was working with. Sure he said Dornan would joke around, but he never fooled around with them. He was observed to be professional, and during breaks, he was always on the phone apparently talking to his wife, or facetiming with her and their daughter. He would actually show his daughter's pictures around. So I find it hard to believe that he slept with this Rita Whora person. Hmmm...

  17. Robyn9:03 PM

    I don't know much about Rita Ora, in fact never heard of her until they said she was cast in this movie. I remember reading an interview with her where she said Jamie was hotter b/c he was married and had a new baby. Not sure how she meant it but when it was brought up to Jamie he got really mad and said we were never friends and I barely know her she only worked on set for 2 days. Something didn't quite sit right with me because Jamie seems to have a kind word for everyone he meets. I don't know what to believe, this site has numerous blind items about JD and his cheating ways, in fact one of the first said he's marriage wouldn't outlast the making of the movie b/c he cheats with everyone. I guess no one will ever know unless there's proof. But if these rumors aren't true then its a shame because I'm positive Jamie's wife must here about this, and I'm positive his people know about these rumors. I can't read Dornan. Not sure what to believe. He seems like a very down to earth man and he talks a great deal about his wife in interviews. But then I see pictures of him and hear that he's been out in the London night life to all hours of the night and I think that's not what a husband or a father of a new born baby should be doing. I'm torn.

  18. Laura9:27 PM

    Anyone who judges or dislikes someone because of the rumors and bs on this site is off-base.
