Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Blind Item #1

This married former B list mostly television actress from that hit almost network show who has turned into a singer and part-time actress is on the road and this not the life for her. She looks rough and she has terrible stage fright and the worst part is, she still has people come out to see her for who she is and she has the nasty habit of blowing off fans who have waited to see her after each of her shows. She never says hi, let alone taking photos or signing autographs. Not how you make it in the music industry.


  1. Tricia1310:31 PM

    Leighton meester

  2. sandybrook10:31 PM

    leighton Meester

  3. Big Al11:17 PM

    She just performed here and received positive reviews and that it was a fun show. She was gorgeous
