Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Today's Blind Items - The Bluff Part Three - (Final Part)

My new plan though was just show up a little bit prior to the show. I knew there would not be any issues getting where I wanted to be because I didn’t really care that much. I know it seems stupid but when you have a crush and you think there is a chance, no matter how small, and then you see that chance go out the window then it stings a little bit. It stings a little more when you are forced to go confront that reality when you would rather just stay home and quietly get drunk.

So, GG and I show up about 30 minutes before the show was supposed to start and meet up with her friends and everything was fine getting in. Oh, let me stop for a second because I have to mention something about one of her friends. She is actually a singer too and is probably C list now and reached a peak of A for one album. One. Anyway, she (let’s refer to her as (NB) used to be really nice back in the day but she is one of those people who when they became famous totally changed. I knew her before and after and the after was awful. Oh, and don’t even get me started on how she even became worse when she got married to a permanent A lister.

OK, so we are at the venue and we make our way backstage and there is SH and she sees GG and NB and air kisses and hugs are exchanged and then GG introduces me. SH looks at me for a long second and then repeats my name and then shakes her head. She then asks if I am the same person who set it up so I could interview her and I sheepishly say yes. She then takes a finger and starts yelling at me that she was at the venue super early and in makeup just so she could look presentable for the interview and waited and waited for over an hour for me to show up and she just went on and on for a good five minutes. She totally let me have it. Then, out of the corner of my eye I saw GG tearing up because she was trying not to laugh. When GG saw me looking at her though she lost it which caused SH to lose it. It turns out that earlier in the day the two had spoken to each other and hatched this little plan. I guess it served me right, but hey, my crush had still been out to dinner with a guy the night before.

NB looked totally lost with everything. I’m not sure why GG even invited her but they had been bff back before they both hit it big and GG is and was loyal. Friends for life.

One thing that did change after that little performance was that I was more relaxed and I got Punk’d by a crush. Not as great as dating her or more, but at least it was something. So, to celebrate, I did what I do best. Drink. I got the side eye from GG when I started talking about doing shots so I kept the possible embarrassment factor to a minimum for her. One thing the booze did do though was get me to take some chances I normally would have passed on. I don’t always have the best game, but the booze gave me a boost and after the show when there were several of us sitting around talking I did manage to ask SH out because she seemed to like me. Of course it also could have been my bacon cologne she found so fascinating. In any event, she did say yes and we spent a good portion of the rest of the evening hanging out and went out a few times before she found some guy and fell in love and got married. Hey, no regrets. I had a great night that night.  Some things are meant to last forever like my friendship with GG and some are meant to last a few minutes or days or weeks like my time with SH. I have seen her a couple of times since and we are nice to each other but there has never been a hint of a spark since. She is not with the guy she married any longer, but still there is nothing. There was that one night though.



  1. sandybrook2:17 AM

    I still think SH could be Susanna Hoffs she got married in 1993. Hey its good the OG got laid by someone who was really really cute if its her.

  2. sandybrook2:20 AM

    Not Susanna still married.
    And based on today she can't be Debbie Gibson because she has never been married.

  3. back again2:21 AM

    NB--Edie Brickell---I haven't read the rest of BI friend of Lisa Loeb

  4. back again2:22 AM

    Edie B is married to permanent A Paul Simon

  5. who is this in the story?
    Anyway, she (let’s refer to her as (NB) used to be really nice back in the day but she is one of those people who when they became famous totally changed. I knew her before and after and the after was awful. Oh, and don’t even get me started on how she even became worse when she got married to a permanent A lister.

  6. Tricia132:27 AM

    Ding ding you got it@back again. And I loved that one album a lot"shooting rubber bands at the stars). Disappointing:(

    So SH isn't Hoffs;0(still married)/ Mann(still married to Michael Penn)

  7. Freya2:27 AM

    Thanks for sharing. I need to go back and read some of the older stories.

  8. ooh good call.
    /disregard my post below then/

  9. Dave S.2:36 AM

    NB is pretty clearly Edie Brickell, and Edie and Lisa Loeb are both from Dallas, so it makes even more sense to see GG as Lisa Loeb.

  10. Tricia132:36 AM

    SH=Michelle Shocked?
    From Texas like Loeb/ Brickell
    divorced for years
    Has acting on TV/ indies

  11. Tricia132:37 AM

    michelle shocked from Dallas,TX

  12. annieA3:22 AM

    When Lisa was with Dweezil, his mother referred to her simply as "The Jew". That's no way to talk to about a Hockadaisy.

  13. I am totally lost.....

  14. Derek Harvey3:43 AM

    SH---Liz Phair married and divorced.
    GG---Lisa Loeb
    NB--Eddie Brickell

  15. Dave S.4:20 AM

    Who knew so many people were from Dallas? Here's my wild guess for SH: Norah Jones, daughter of Ravi SHankar, from Dallas and went to the University of North Texas. The blind says it would have been before her record deal, so that puts it around 2000 or so. Also, Norah Jones career matches the trajectory of one huge album and then nothing much.

    She didn't get married, but was in a long-term relationship 2000-2007.

  16. Sbreezy294:41 AM

    She is divorced, and had one big hit album, but not from TX, but could Suzanne Vega fit in anywhere? She was big in late 80's and early 90's.

  17. Derek Harvey4:49 AM

    "Well, one of my crushes from a few years earlier was in town and although I already had tickets, I wanted to meet her so needed a plan to get backstage passes." indicates the artist is on tour so I believe being from Texas is irrelevant for his crush.

  18. Tricia134:53 AM

    I think the point a few are making is that Brickell and Loeb are both from Dallas, so it would make some sense for them to see a fellow Texan(which prompted my guess of MichelleSHocked- from Dallas).

  19. veronica5:39 AM

    I don't think Michelle Shocked. He may would have mentioned she's now bat shit crazy.

  20. The 10th Doctor5:42 AM

    I can get on board with Edie Brickell. She is unbelievably insufferable since marrying Paul Simon.

  21. boredtechindenver6:20 AM

    GG - Jane Wiedlin - GoGos
    NB - Edie Brickell - New Bohemians
    SH - Eva O - Super Heroines?

  22. Tricia137:43 AM

    My last guess on this SH/ bear with me it makes sense.
    SHeena Easton- huge throughout 80's and early 90s . Toured consistently. Married /divorced 4x all the marriages lasting a year or so(WTF); which makes sense of"she's no longer married to guy she was at the time"
    She was(is IMHO) gorgeous and crush worthy.
    Has been acting since falling off the planning in the pop world- about 23 film/tv credits which are recent as well.

  23. Tricia137:43 AM

    I know why Enty may go see her- no clue what would get Lisa Loeb and Edie B there though lol

  24. Derek Harvey12:51 PM

    I know----but the blind in general was um---not great! and thanks for making me check out whom Michelle Shocked was on Youtube----omg my ears my ears---what the hell was that?! lol xo

  25. Tricia1312:57 PM was worth a shot lol! She fits-in ways, she was cool, trust me, she was hipster before it existed. But nope- not enties wet dream:( or any bodies......
    Good LL call. I shouted to ya on it. Never woulda thought of her- and she hung with Brickell? What's next- courtney love on random lol

  26. Derek Harvey1:04 PM

    well Courtney IS doing Opera now so stranger things have happened.....I dont think any of us have got it right though------definitely not Sheena Easton though either (no offence) lol-----

  27. Tricia131:11 PM

    It's Shheeeena!
    Kiddin. This elusive gal is still out there(?though Susanna Hoff is best fit- kudos sandy:)
    Maybe it'll be a reveal. My old ass non pop music brain gave
    Nite and fwiw
    It's Jody Wately from SHalamar( see that there!??)

  28. Derek Harvey1:20 PM

    BJORK?!?!?!? Married Tricky for a year in 1995

  29. Tricia131:25 PM

    But that made me chuckle lol!
    I think we call this Susanna Hoff and be done! You had LL/ Back again had Edie "bitch Brickell"/ sandy- bangles mama Hoff.
    And scene!

  30. Tricia131:28 PM

    Ps..OT still up at this hour cuz I'm watching all the golden globe movies I can before Sunday: Boyhood=snooze hood. Sorry Ethan who I love, just talking truth .

  31. back again2:33 PM

    I'm back.... yup Tricia--snoozefest---check out "Whiplash" to slap ya back awake...literally--it's actually an excellent movie;
    ok- i'm now gonna check out what you guys have come up with for this meantime, I had a wild suggestion for SH----
    SH- Sinnead O'Connor-"Nothing Compares 2U"--the SH..... sinnead's pronunciation...& she CLEARLY crashed & went into an abyss- she was married numerous times but NOT when Enty would've met her(1991-2002); the acting part,i'd have to check out- Obscure but would be kool- I Even crushed on her w/that iconic song/video.-even if it's wrong,it;s fun thinking @90's woman wonders; SH-Shania Twain-too many hits though; Shawn Colvin- "Sonny Came Home"-still married though. to be cont'd ; )
