Saturday, January 31, 2015

Mr. X Blind Item #2

What right-wing loon who claims he's that dead teen star {and that he faked his death) recently had an encounter with the late actor's brother which left the latter yelling to his PR people over the phone to get a restraining order?


  1. Tricia 131:36 AM

    Rush Limbaugh/River and Joaquin Phoenix

  2. back again1:38 AM

    W.T.H. ?!?!

  3. Tricia131:40 AM

    *most random guess ever lol!

  4. June Gordon2:02 AM

    Kirk Cameron / River Phoenix / Joaquin Phoenix

  5. Stephie2:15 AM

    Angus T. Jones/River and Joaquin Phoenix

  6. sunnydaze2:33 AM

    Mark Dice

  7. The 10th Doctor2:35 AM

    River and Joaquin Phoenix for sure and the impersonator is a wackadoo named Mark Dice. I found some CRAZY web site that says River faked his death and changed his name to Mark Dice so he could save the world. This Mark Dice guy appears on all kinds of shows and has a YouTube channel with 300,000 followrs. His Eiki says he's an Illumnati expert and Truther theorist among other things.

  8. The Phoenix brothers are prob right but I 1st thought of Corey Feldman/Haime.

  9. Tricia132:49 AM

    Nice job@ the10th doctor!

  10. aemish2:52 AM

    You win the internet today ლ(╹◡╹ლ)

  11. The 10th Doctor3:34 AM

    Thanks Tricia and aemish!

  12. Sarah3:35 AM

    Good grief. 10th Doctor you rock! (but I knew that as you are and always will be my favorite Doctor).

  13. slim shady4:40 AM

    lol. thank you @doctor!!

  14. Guidedog4:43 AM

    Mark Dice is NOT Right Wing. He is in fact as far Left as a person can get.

  15. The 10th Doctor5:19 AM

    Thanks Sarah and slim shady!

  16. Malibuborebee5:45 AM

    Mark Dice is a Christian conservative political activist and conspiracy nut, according to Wiki. Sounds like a right-winger to me.

  17. Oh, Wiki is your go-to source?

    Dice is a loudmouth but hysterical at times.
    I never know what side he's on but he is entertaining, to say the least.

    Never heard anything about this Phoenix thing though.

  18. Johnny Depp? JK his plate is too full right now to pile on.

  19. Persiaa11:53 AM

    Thanks for the info, 10th Doctor. That's some A+ reporting and some batshit crazy if he really believes it.
    BTW, I agree with you DT is the best of the rebooted Doctors. I think Capaldi could be great, but the writing leaves me cold.

  20. The 10th Doctor4:03 PM

    @x- no, wiki isn't my go to source but as I was clicking links, it was one I happened to click and what's tgere echoed what I saw elsewhere.. It's not like I'm writing a thesis here, so I wasn't aware I'd have to cite all sources. Lol.

    @Persiaa and @ Sarah, it's nice to see other Whovians here! :-) Yes, 10 is my favorite on the reboot too and 4 was my Doctor growing up. I really like Capaldi and think the Chistmas episode sees him starting to find his stride. It usually takes a bit for a new guy to settle in and I found the writing uneven and overly focused on Ckara's love life this past season. Plus, Moffat is brilliant but self-indulgent of his control of the Whoverse and I think it sometimes takes away from The Doctor. My two cents.

  21. katiepotatie4:36 PM

    What a sick fuck. Wasn't flea in the back of the ambulance with River. You don't come back from that type of overdose.

  22. This makes no sense at all.Can I claim I'm Marilyn monroe?
