Thursday, January 01, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #9

August 16, 2014

This Teen Mom thinks she is so famous that stores will be passing out free engagement rings right and left to her in exchange for publicity. So far she has struck out everywhere she has asked and is going to have to break down and buy herself a ring and say that her guy did. He can't even afford a fake one. She might go fake if she wants flashy. Her bank account is lower than it has been since the show started.

Jenelle Evans


  1. sandybrook3:02 AM

    Just what any store would want-- an endorsement from a drug addicted slag. Vivid Entertainment would be more than willing though.

  2. Yawn.
    No teen mom or RH of Anywhere reveals. They bore me.

    And can we go back further than August 2014? Get some old juicy ones out...

  3. boredtechindenver3:05 AM

    Maybe she should just buy a ring and mount a big rock of crystal meth?

  4. Tricia133:08 AM

    I know..agreed. But what's weird is enty cutting off some of the comments, like last reveal I guessed Chelsea but it didn't show up(which is why Derek said good morning to me, I had posted prior) but doesn't show up. It's happened a few times-Anyone else find that to be true?

  5. Seriously, reveal day is picking randomly four blinds of every day since August 15? Who and why is destroying CDAN like that? Reveal day used to be so huge!!

  6. JSierra3:10 AM

    I'm actually really surprised she hasn't released a porn video yet. Seems right up her alley.

  7. I was just going to say; nobody had mentioned the dates of the reveals yet.

    @boreddenvertech, that's the kind of ring that would pay for much poofy hair and large bresteses, so yeah! Good idea!

  8. JSierra3:14 AM

    The sites a mess. Comments aren't showing up, then they are then they disappear again. Hopefully whoever runs this shit show is working on another redesign, accessing it on my phone is painful.

  9. boredtechindenver3:14 AM

    Importing or transferring databases (which is what all commenting systems are) from one version to a newer version is tricky enough. Going to a completely different database is a job for competent professionals. Very few bloggers can afford to hire people who can handle both site design and DB manipulation, so strange things happen to DB objects, in this case, the comments. .

  10. boredtechindenver3:15 AM

    I had actually put fake HTML there and WP ated it. Lets just call it #boringtechindenver_boringtechstuff

  11. boredtechindenver3:16 AM

    I like poofy hair and large breasteses. Sometimes even poofy hair on large breasteses.

  12. That was no judgment, BDT, you do you. I thought the wording was hilarious. ^5!

  13. boredtechindenver3:25 AM

    no judgement or offense taken, my canuckaloonie gingee hausfrau goddess.

  14. Babble3:28 AM

    Sigh. ^^ This, sadly.

  15. ....crusher....?

  16. What a dud today is and it used to be huge here. Whoever owns the site now is just ruining it, and is apparently too proud to admit it and reverse course. It's nothing like it was, works nothing like it did, and that's how it's going to stay. It wasn't broke and they 'fixed' it. Oh well, their money.

  17. Studio544:27 AM

    Jenelle is in a train wreck league of her own. Just an unbelievable mess. Her poor kids and her poor mother :(

  18. boredtechindenver4:31 AM

    Sorry, too many Hard Ciders. Even though its just 1:30 PM, this is my late night.
    Now i am getting maudlin watching Bruce at Madison Sq. in 2000 on Palladia. Its a good thing I don't have to go to work for 8 hours,

  19. Studio544:32 AM

    All those people bitching about this site, just use Google's Chrome to access this website, and that's usually all I need to have it run problem free. Sometimes add ad blocker.

  20. Studio54, consider yourself lucky then. I guess you haven't been here for the New Year's reveal day before. It used to be crawling with people and comments AND REVEALS. This time, they are only revealing relatively recent blinds. That's NOT how it's supposed to be. This day was always about getting the reveals you've been waiting all year or longer to learn. This is total crap.

  21. Tricia134:55 AM

    Thanks@ boredtechindenver for info!

  22. L'hiver4:56 AM

    I thought for a while it'd been hacked- then I realized all this was *intentional*. It's a hell of a mess, especially on my Android phone.

  23. Boo working New Year's Day!

  24. boredtechindenver6:01 AM

    and yes. a little internet crush. Its a ginger thang.

  25. boredtechindenver6:08 AM

    For my Gluten sensitive brethren and sistren out there, if you you like a full body mostly dry hard cider, and you can get your hands on Woodchuck Spitter Splinter Cider, you should be most pleasantly surprised.

    (okay, this is bottle #9 and i only feel pain when i hit my nose on the wall or the floor)

  26. You gotta work in 6 and a half hours! Start pounding the H2O!

  27. boredtechindenver6:13 AM

    holy shite, you are correct. i need sleep more than H2O. Good thing I can sleep while the internet falls apart.

  28. Gussie Fink Nottle8:16 AM

    No more Teen Mom reveals. They are not stars or celebrities. No more Real Housewives blinds. They are made up celebrities and mostly trash. No more tweener blinds. Thanks.
