Saturday, January 10, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #7

September 14, 2014

This former A list mostly movie actor turned aging but still good looking B list mostly television actor on one of those crime shows had to go to urgent care the other day because his much much younger girlfriend injured him during sex. Yes, in the genital area.

Jeff Goldblum



  1. Tricia132:47 AM

    So his gold is now" bronze " grade? Poor lad:(

  2. sandybrook2:47 AM

    Bwahaha maybe her area was too small to handle that huge package

  3. Freya2:49 AM

    Those c0ck cages are a mofo.

  4. Tricia132:54 AM

    ^^^ sickos LOL:))
    I heard this about him though....many years ago- same thing , dating a younger gal who was the the close friend of my then boss. His manhood is legend.

  5. Aren't they married now? Hope he has a doc on call.

  6. The 10th Doctor3:55 AM

    It's rumored he's pretty kinky (I recall some Enty blinds about this too), so S&M gone awry?

  7. hothotheat4:26 AM

    "but still good looking" no way I would have thought this was Jeff Goldblum. He is no way good looking to me, and I've seen him in person.

  8. it took forever6:34 AM

    wonder what he told the doctor

  9. Saw him and his wife on letterman last night. His wife was a gymnast and 30 years younger.
