Friday, January 02, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #41

October 23, 2014

This former almost A+ list mostly television actress who went from late night to movies to prime time now does a little bit of everything. What she and her best friend don't do though is talk to this A+ list mostly movie actor who started in roughly the same spot or his frequent co-stars. There is definitely a war between two sides and you have to clearly come down on one side or the other if you are from their group.

Tiny Fey/Amy Poehler/Adam Sandler


  1. I wonder what happened.

  2. drunk chick11:13 AM

    Enty should have revealed the cause of this war

  3. Dudette11:32 AM

    The war between Sandler and people who are actually funny.

  4. fritanga11:39 AM

    Not terribly hard to figure out - Sandler is undoubtedly annoyed that Fey and Poehler have earned much, much more respect and admiration (from the industry AND the public) for their considerable talents than he EVER will (I refer everyone to the Sony hacking leak items about him and his crap movies).

    It's jealousy, pure and simple, not to mention that Fey and Poehler have never suffered fools gladly. Also, Fey has publicly dissed Sandler's boy Rob Schneider, so he's probably pissed about that.

  5. Amy's "girls, if boys say something that's not funny, you don't have to laugh" line was definitely a dig at Sandler and his crew.

  6. Thank you for the info. Makes a lot of sense.

  7. Adam Sandler has a reputation as one of the nicest people in Hollywood. Tina Fey... does not. They've both made some good movies and TV (I love 30 Rock and find most Sandler movies harmless) but as far as who is rather have dinner with: Team Adam, no contest.


    I'm certain the issues are with the gals... Sandler has too much bank to really give a crap. I loved 30 Rock and Parks & Rec; haven't seen a Sandler movie in a long time... but Fey and Poehler should just chill. It reeks of bitterness and jealousy.

  9. I'm on board with this.

  10. Beckymae3:06 PM

    Pretty sure Sandler's hissy fits are fucking EPIC! I cannot stand him or Rob Scheider...

  11. When Sandler left SNL he and Lorne Michael did not remain buddies $$$. Lorne did not get a producing credit $$$ on any of Adams movies. Unlike many of his SNL farm team that has made him tons of dough. Sandler has his own production company. Bad blood there. Those loyal to Lorne Michaels have been fed smack talk about him from Lorne, thus the sides taken. And thats the short version!

  12. Zilla310:08 PM

    I also think the problem is with Fey and Poehler. Sandler has been massively successful, whatever you think of his movies. He also has gotten pretty good reviews when he has acted in dramas. I don't really hear stories about him taking digs and shots at other people as I have heard about the two ladies doing (Sandler, Miley, Taylor, etc)

  13. aemish10:26 PM


    And I don't know if ya'll have seen 'Blended' starring him & Drew Barrymore but Terry Crews is flipping hilarious!!

  14. Really? Because I heard the complete opposite. I'm not on anyone's team, but if I had to wager a thinks the boy doesn't dig girls who don't laugh foolishly at his childish antics.

  15. playing devil's advocate here....those "digs and shots at other people" are always in skits or stand up monologues. they are never actual "digs" at people personally. sandler doesn't host anything and doesn't do stand up therefore you will not hear of any "digs or shots."
    i think people are confusing Amy's/Tina's hosting gig jokes w/ actual quotes from dialogue.

  16. Yup the Blended movie was Box Office poison but low and behold when it came out for buy/rent it was flying off the shelves. I loved it, was hilarious and almost family friendly!

  17. aemish11:22 PM

    I'm suffering from sleaze-overload, so for me his sense of humor like in 50 First Dates is like a breath of fresh air :o)

  18. M. Brown11:39 PM

    Saved the best for last! What b626 said makes lots of sense in terms of loyalty to Lorne Michaels. I also think Sandler may be a bit of a throwback to the Belushi "girls aren't funny (except Gilda)" mentality.

    My mind first went to Maya Rudoph who was in both Grownups movies. Poehler mentions her favorably in her book but doesn't go too much into detail about their friendship.

    From what I've read about Tina and Amy they had a zero fucks attitude when they knocked down the boys club at SNL. You'd have to and often those that achieve great things are difficult to work with. I respect both of them although I believe Amy is nicer and less prickly personality.

  19. I also think Sandler may be a bit of a throwback to the Belushi “girls aren’t funny (except Gilda)” mentality.

    Very good point.

    From what I’ve read about Tina and Amy they had a zero fucks attitude when they knocked down the boys club at SNL.

    Exactly. ....and they shouldn't give any fucks whatsoever.

  20. It comes down to SNL. Sandler was in the fratboy group that was the focal point of the show in the early 90's. He left before Fey And Poehler got there but there were hold overs and such still there that Fey/Poehler didn't get along with. They've both made comments about how certain people made that environment difficult for women and non-East Coast fratboy types. Those guys who were still there were all Sandler,Rob Schneider,etc... boys.

  21. Might be that the jealousy's the other way around though. Tina and Amy are adored publicly and critically, but Adam (used to) make all the money.

  22. Zilla33:25 PM

    I just don't see it being Sandler. There just aren't any nasty stories about him. And "digs or shots" being in an act or in an interview, potshots are still potshots.

  23. TopperMadison9:20 PM

    How is this shocking any any way? SNL is notoriously a "boys club" and Tina and Amy are bitches who get stuff done.

  24. the wind1:35 AM

    The rise and fall of people in the industry rarely seem to have anything to do with the individual (though there are special cases) and everything to do with gossip/slander/generated-stories-for-profit (because we all know that negative attention is still attention...and the more shocking.....the better the results)

    Aside from all of THAT, bickering in the industry is rather pointless...aren't they all each other have honestly? I mean, when you are internationally known (as a celebrity), shouldn't you stick together? It has to be rather difficult finding people that aren't out to exploit you to gain their own level of "fame". I say nip it in the bud. Public scrutiny isn't enough?? I realize there are going to be people you like and dislike. Having said that, this community is actually quite small in the grand scheme of things...may be best in setting differences aside and determining where the "third-party-problem" is.

  25. the wind1:37 AM

    P.S. I think that all involved in this particular discussion are fantastic.
    P.P.S. I am going to have to say #teamSandman

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