Friday, January 02, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #35

September 2, 2014

This B list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee spent his holiday drunk and smoking what appeared to be meth and hitting on women. His approach usually was him going up to a woman or a group of women and taking their phone from their hands or off their towels and asking them who wanted a photo with him and if they wanted him to wear what he was wearing or show more skin. He then would try and kiss the women if they agreed to a photo. The guy is an ass.

Cuba Gooding Jr.


  1. His wife must REALLY love money to put up with his crap.

  2. sandybrook9:56 AM

    They have separated since.

  3. A Pretty Cat In LA9:52 AM

    Saw him at the House of Blues last New Year's. He was nice to everyone but yeah, the guy loooooves the attention!
