Monday, January 26, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 20, 2014

It is one thing to do a favor for a friend, and it is another to do something that you hate. This A+ list mostly movie actress was at an event over the weekend but refused to pose next to this B- list mostly television actress from a new network show because one of the A+ lister's best friends had her marriage end partly because of the B- lister.

Reese Witherspoon/Katharine McPhee


  1. June Gordon1:24 AM

    If Reese friend done have no stick up her butt in the bedroom like Reese then may be she still got him!

    Done blame another woman if she willing to do what a man wants.

    A man only want ONE thing and if you ain't gonna give it to him some one ELSE will!

    Like me!!!! LOL!!!!!! YUM!!!!

  2. jessica1:30 AM

    Yet again this troll showing he's not a woman.

  3. Shelly Shell1:32 AM

    2nd that, June's not a woman & is a troll.

  4. June Gordon1:37 AM

    I see we got two gals with "Gender confusions" on hear.

    Time to get on over to Mexico and get you some hormones darling!!!!

  5. lucilleball1:40 AM

    Folks, don't feed the trolls. Is this your first day on the Internet?

  6. Penelope 23:21 AM

    Well, girls who try to sleep their way up the ladder will find unfriendly conditions when they get to the top and find there are actually successful women up there who didn't, and who don't want them around.

  7. Malibuborebee7:24 AM

    Almost every successful actor or actress slept with someone to get a part or an Oscar or whatever. Most of them don't try to break up marriages.

    I'm not a Witherchin fan but she's always stood up for women's issues and stood by her women friends. McPhee is a toxic little ho.

  8. Snarknado4:38 PM

    Where do you get yours, dear? Whoremones R Us?

    By the way, if you take too many your wiener will fall off.

  9. Snarknado4:41 PM

    I love feeding the trolls and will never quit. It's the entire purpose of the internet.

    By the way, your statue looks hideous.
