Thursday, January 01, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #25

August 22, 2014

Look for this former A list reality star from multiple reality shows on multiple networks and cable channels to give the network whatever they want for her new show because she has already committed the money she thought was a sure thing for another season to another business she runs.

Nicole Richie


  1. But don't they pay HER?

  2. It's kind or eerie to be alone this long on a blind!

  3. Was that a tumbleweed??

  4. Whistling past the graveyard...

    Does anyone know if you can delete comments? Anyone? You there! Hiding behind the tumbleweed!

  5. So now I'm curious, what network demands would she be expected to accede to? Is there a donkey involved? ?

  6. Just saying hello so you won't feel that you are all alone in the gossip universe! Happy New Year.

  7. sandybrook7:30 AM

    must be dinner break time. I already ate but Ill be damned if Im sitting here until 11 with him threatening on the tweets over there ====>>^^ saying he's ready for ten more hours of this tomorrow :(

  8. Will she have to dye her hair a weird colour forever like Kelly Osbourne...oh wait. Well this is awkward

  9. Yay! Thank you! That was ODD!

  10. JSierra7:43 AM

    10 more hours of this tomorrow? Good lawd.

    Nicole is hilarious, she can be on as many shows as she wants and I would watch them all.

  11. sandybrook7:46 AM

    Tweeted by Enty Claus:
    Just about halfway through the reveals today. Yes, I said today, b/c I'm drunk & I'm up for another 10 hours of reveals tomorrow.

  12. Babble7:51 AM

    I'm surprised the Enties haven't passed out from blind boredom, let alone booze.

  13. And Happy New Year too, NHR!

  14. it took forever9:29 AM

    come on enty begin releasing the really juicy blinds

  15. Studio541:01 PM

    That reality show was God awful. I don't know what can be done to save it.

  16. boredtechindenver1:11 PM

    The cider got me around 3pm local but i had a nice sleep and now i can read the rest of the reveals overnight at work.



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