Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 8, 2014

This B+ reality star from an A list reality show is now bringing sealed drinks to work after two incidents earlier this week where models dumped cigarette ash water into one of the B lister's drinks and someone supposedly did something worse to another bottle. The B lister is hated and the hate continues to grow every day.

Kendall Jenner


  1. Models are hangry.

  2. Freya1:20 AM

    What was the worst thing and did she drink it?

  3. Dufus1:27 AM

    Is it wrong to feel happy about this?

  4. Pee would be my first thought, or drugs, but yeah how would they know if she didn't drink.

    She is by far not the first rich girl to buy her way into the industry.

  5. sandybrook1:28 AM

    Bitchy models just don't like her Freya because they think she got modelling jobs because of her last name only. Then she decided to drop it .

  6. Dance1:29 AM

    Did Cara D do the same thing, her family just isn't as widely hated.

  7. sandybrook1:29 AM

    Oh and somebody peed in one supposedly

  8. Shelly1:31 AM

    It's the norm for rich girls to buy their way into fashion modeling, agencies send new girls to Japan & eastern Europe first to make big money off of them. It's not as bad as recording labels, but they do get charged for every little thing from their agencies also. She hasn't had to do any of that.

  9. drunk chick1:35 AM

    I bet even her bffs hailey baldwin and gigi hadid secretly hate her. They started waaaay before her and though they've gotten big labels as well, Kendall has headlined several fashion shows and already has been chosen as the face of expensive brands. I understans the hate. Imagine those without famous families struggling at castings, whoring themselves for nothing. Kendall deserves the hate for being a katrashian.

  10. Freya1:36 AM

    @sandybrook Oh, you mean the same way her family buys magazine covers and fills Harvey's pockets.
    Dropping her last name won't help anything.
    Take a pig out of mud, clean and dress her but she's still a pig.

  11. Im guessing the worse thing is she either wiped the opening of the bottle on her asshole or put boogers in it. Yech!

  12. Niña piña1:59 AM

    Even though other girls from rich/famous families buy their way in-
    None of them are being used as blantanly as she is just for publicity. You look at an ad with Kendall and immediately think "oh that's the Kardashian girl" - way more annoying in my mind.

  13. hothotheat3:05 AM

    The Karshians are hated. I would imagine that's why she dropped her last name. Didn't help though. She's still a Kartrashian.

  14. Sbreezy293:43 AM

    @drunkchick...Gigi was SIL's rookie of the year last year in the swimsuit addition, and is the new face of Tom Ford's new perfume. What does Hailey Baldwin even do? Didn't even know she modeled!

  15. Gigi probably had a hand up because of her mother but I'm sure she's paid her dues as a model. Something that stupid Kartrashian girl hasn't done. It feels like the second she turned 18 she did that boob shot. Then all of a sudden she was everywhere in the modeling world. Hopefully they'll tire of her soon and she can crawl back into obscurity where she and her family belong.

  16. Hailley is not pretty at all to me. Something about that face. Too much stephen in there maybe.

  17. The 10th Doctor5:52 AM

    She didn't pay any dues at all. Much like Kanye West begging for everyone to make his trashy wife a fashion icon (NEVEH EVEH GONNA HAPPEN), Kendall just decided to be a model and boom, favors were called in and all of a sudden she is walking major runways without paying any dues or really putting in any work to achieve it. I understand other models being upset,

  18. AtlLady7:38 AM

    A bit off the topic but still actually "related" (see what I did there?) - just saw an episode of CHiPS when Bruce Jenner was on and quite young. Gosh but he used to be a real looker!

  19. Dudette8:20 AM

    Gigi had a HUGE hand up, because her rich father basically bought her way into Sports Illustrated, if not others as well.

  20. Penelope 210:27 AM

    That's pretty low of them. She is actually quite pretty, prettier than most models, so I think there is a distinct jealousy of how much she is favored because she has reality tv roots. I'm not a Kardashian fan but doing something to someone's drink just because you don't like them is trashy, and to the poster who said she didn't pay her dues...what dues? Sleep with enough photographer? Do enough coke? Models don't pay dues, you either make it or you don't. Hollyweird in general is all a bunch of people who aren't worthy, and models are in that group too...none of them paid their dues as humans, they get by on looks, connections, the casting couch, and sometimes talent.

  21. Nobody generally starts out on the major runways, Penelope. Kendall has. Yes, even in modelling one has to work one's way up. But Kardashians don't really work for anything.

  22. ticktorboom12:04 AM

    I think people started paying attention when she was on the runway but she herself didn't start there. She started off in Forever21 and Sherri Hill, etc
    People need to stop saying she just got in because her family, she paid her dues without drugs/sex.

  23. Krung Krung12:25 AM

    @ticktorboom you can't know for sure that her family name NEVER played a role in her modelling career. She may have paid her dues and worked hard too, but you have to admit, even if she was that pretty, she wouldn't headline something big and go to catwalks that easily if she was just another random american girl.

  24. Cat51911:06 PM

    maybe she hasn't paid her dues like other models but it was that Kardashian name that got her foot in the door.
