Sunday, January 04, 2015

Blind Item #9

This A- list mostly television actress who is only that high because of her hit pay cable show is worried about her future. She talks a big game about being average looking but has hired a trainer with whom she now works out four hours a day. She had a little procedure done to her face and when she gets to the weight she wants is telling friends she is going to get a breast lift and small enlargement. Never figured her for going Hollywood.


  1. Tricia133:02 AM

    Leah Dunham

  2. sandybrook3:02 AM

    Ruth Wilson of The Affair? I think she's fug.

  3. sandybrook3:03 AM

    That cow aint never getting thin Tricia :(

  4. Tricia133:10 AM

    I know., but that's point of blind lol.
    I know how you love her to s(joshin), but she has based her re,alibi kitty and success to a degree on being "non Hollywood"

  5. Tricia133:10 AM


  6. I agree. I don’t get the hype about her looks. Lainey (who’s none to rely on taste) praised her lips! Those duck lips couldn’t be more weird and funny. Never sexy!

  7. I can’t wait to see what ugly dress she will wear at the Globes...

  8. sandybrook3:19 AM

    I know right Anne that overbite! Noah must have been desperately lonely to fall for her on summer vacation but she was about 20 yrs younger than him.

  9. sandybrook3:22 AM

    Her ego is bigger than five of her stomach flabs and half of Hollywood! :(

  10. Tricia133:25 AM

    *relatability is what I wrote lol not sumtin kitty. Don't wanna think of Lena's kitty anymore than I see it on her TnA on her show:(
    I just googled Ruth Wilson- never heard of her. not a looker...hopefully she is a good actress.

  11. Mandarin Girl3:27 AM

    Kaley what's her name from Big Band Theory. Apparently just had sinus-related surgery.

  12. Cindy3:36 AM

    Elisabeth Moss from Mad Men

  13. Lena Dumbham? I don't even want her to be a C but I guess she's an A.
    Kaley has always been super fit and her show is network, not cable. And she's got that Priceline money.

  14. sandybrook3:41 AM

    Shes "dating" JakeyG right now. They are doing a Broadway show together

  15. Tricia134:27 AM

    Ah@ sandy- she's going the route of the beard then:( or definitely friend zone. For someone who dates so many women, he sure never looks natural with them. I reckon a sit down between Kim Jung and Sony would be less akward

  16. sandybrook5:02 AM

    Yep she's a beard. Nor is she to be confused with the beard on his face.

  17. Betty5:16 AM

    While she's at it, maybe she'll get her PaperMate tattoo removed.

  18. Tricia135:26 AM

    Freakin good one@betty. I agree- nothing says"I m a free spirited, progressive feminist with total abandon like a PaperMate tattoo lol!

  19. Tricia135:28 AM

    @Anne RE: the GG dress, I think Lena will change it up (certainly if this blind is remotely accurate), and do like an "old Hollywood look" or minimalist chic. She hasn't many options. She's exhausted the garish/wanna be retro but ill fitting / pseudo hipster thing.

  20. Stockygrrl6:37 AM

    Maybe Edie Falco?

  21. Tricia136:47 AM

    That's a great guess^^^

  22. The 10th Doctor6:51 AM

    Kristen Bell?

  23. Tricia136:54 AM

    Hey Doc- u still here :)

  24. Freya7:43 AM

    I can definitely see this being Lena. The whole "voice of a generation" thing is only going to go so far.

  25. Princess Kate9:06 AM

    I assumed she had that lip augmentation that is so popular among the 50+ population here in South Florida?

  26. Roxy road10:23 AM

    Mindy Kaling?

  27. Mindy is network not cable.

  28. LooLoo1:03 PM

    Gotta be Lena Dunham.

  29. @Sandybrook LOL. So funny but so true!!

  30. Absolutely has to be Lena Dunham. She's proof that no one in Hollywood is immune to the self consciousness that comes from having your looks publicly scrutinized.



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