Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Blind Item #8

The "boyfriend" of this A+ list "singer" better be careful. He was heard bragging about the $25K bonus he got for Christmas for doing such a good job of being a boyfriend.


  1. Tricia1312:45 AM


  2. Tricia1312:46 AM

    And charlie Ebersol

  3. Dammit Tricia!!! haha


  4. If this is Britney, then my heart bleeds for her. She's an attractive and talented girl....does she really need a bought-boyfriend? There has to be some one out there in the world who will love her for just her and not what she can buy for him. I feel so sad for her.

  5. Tricia131:00 AM

    @Pghgirl- lol. This was a Mr X I think!!
    @glue- if the rumors are true- she isn't "healthy", and so if anything happened to the guy she's with- could be a liability . I'm not certain I buy into all that- but I think her issues make it hard for a guy to be with her, so they do this as an alternative:(

  6. $25K, is that all?

  7. Tricia131:19 AM

    ^^^ lol@ NHR

  8. The 10th Doctor1:25 AM

    While I think her whole situation is strange to say the least, but she's really is severely ill and can't function on her own so I think she would be extremely susceptible to predators and not a nice guy who would like her just for her. I think it's silly to buy boyfriends for her, but supposedly she wants one so gets one.

    It's def her and Ebersole though.

  9. Seriously, 25K is quite low. You can't buy much with that! Maybe it is so low cos he has not completed a full year. 2015 Christmas bonus should be something to look forward to:)

  10. Tricia131:38 AM

    maybe they threw in a watch? Maybe a Tag Heuer at least lol!?

  11. Leave Britney alone!!!

  12. She's not healthy but it's more than simply bipolar. She has been abused. We know the nasty dirt behind the scenes. She was probably physically abused and weak to start with, and probably has DID. They keep her drugged and labeled to keep their thumb on her.

    She really exudes a vulnerability, which is why most people like her. I worry for her and hope one day she can experience happiness.

  13. Tricia132:09 AM

    I think we all do. Well stated, X. She really does a tremendous likability and so many are rooting for her, so in a way- she's so much bigger than all those moments that she was "on top" of her profession. She's transcended it:)

  14. Good points X and Tricia and 10th. I just want the girl to be happy. Sad when you have millions of dollars but none of that means much when you don't have your health.

  15. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob3:56 AM

    So he bangs Brit and gets 25K. Where do I get a job like that? If Swifty, Silverman or any other hot lady wants me for that, I'm available,

    This doesn't apply if you are hellishly ugly as madonna, streisand and a few more.

  16. The 10th Doctor6:55 AM

    I have zero doubt she was sexually abused and it has definitely contributed to her mental instability, Sadly, I know someone who was in the room when her very first record contract was signed. It is not a pretty story. I'm not at liberty to share it but can say that the person did their very best to try and stop the deal from happening at all and ended losing a job over it. Was disgusted that no one in the company or the police would take action to protect a minor.

  17. Britney is a shell of her former self. She's dead behind the eyes and has been for quite some time. I don't think she can manage in a relationship.

  18. I believe a lot of Blind Gossip but this is so false. Charlie doesn't need the money, and he doesn't need to be Britneys boyfriend. He loves his family a lot, but he choosed to spend christmas with Britney and her boys. Sorry, but he would never ditch his family for only 25.000 dollars, he would rather have ditched Britney.

    This is bullshit, the relationsship is real.

  19. Fallacies Abound9:10 AM

    1) I know Charlie's family via mutual friends, so to an extent I know him. This is the most bull sh$t I've read on this site, and there's been plenty. Everyone knows how they met, and no it wasn't prearranged from her dad/team it was actually a cute way and one they probably laugh about now bc it's funny!

    I really hope that one of these celebrities will sue your @$$ for all the defamatory things you like to publish, many of which is contradictory and 99.999% of the time false.

    Besides, I'm sure everyone here remembers the expose article about you not being reliable AT ALL?

    Oh and PS, they were ALL in CO together (his parents, Britney/the boys & charlie)



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