Friday, January 23, 2015

Blind Item #8

This married, non-foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner has been popping pills like crazy and there is talk she is going to spend some time on "vacation," which is code for a mental health facility. Her husband is pushing for it but mainly so he can be with his girlfriends more easily.


  1. Tricia 133:33 AM

    Nicole. Kidman

  2. sandybrook3:33 AM

    I guess he wants us to think Nicole Kidman

  3. Ex-football Fan3:52 AM

    Halle Berry

  4. ettacettera4:01 AM

    Just don't buy Kidman here..she always seems to be working or signed onto projects..if she were such a mess, I think they wouldn't take the chance..I mean she's a good actress but not box office magic. Halle's behavior seems increasingly erratic at times..Agree with ex

  5. bar belle4:29 AM

    And Keith Urban is just as likely to have a boyfriend as a girlfriend but he doesn't keep multiple affairs going at once. More like he is faithful to one after the other.

  6. Chris5:50 AM

    He says "non foreign born". Sounds like AJ and Pitt to me. She's a mess, have you seen her? And her vagina is the probably one of the few places he hasn't stuck his peen lately.

  7. Dudette7:47 AM

    Kidman was born in Hawaii.

  8. it took forever9:51 AM

    angie jolie

  9. JustineCase10:52 AM


  10. Ziggy3:32 AM

    Nicole Kidman as the "non-foreign born" is the key — she is regarded as an Australian actress (and is) but technically American, at least by birth.
