Thursday, January 15, 2015

Blind Item #8

This B list mostly television actress from a hit streaming show has branched out into movies and she did so in a big way. Not so much with the bomb that is just now being released, but with her two male co-stars. One of them is a B lister who has had his troubles recently with some drugs and legal issues. She hooked up with the actor and his girlfriend but the girlfriend has no idea that the pair were also hooking up on the side. She also hooked up with her other male lead. No wonder the movie sucks. Everyone was all worn out from the sex.


  1. Tricia133:33 AM

    Kate Mara/house of cards/james marsden

  2. sandybrook3:42 AM

    Taryn Manning and Billy Zane

  3. Tricia133:44 AM

    Kate Mara/Shia Labouf/Jai richards I think
    Man Down(film)

  4. Tricia133:45 AM

    *Jai Courtney

  5. Tricia133:59 AM

    GF obviously Mia Goth

  6. Wendy4:30 AM

    Shia is only b-list? I thought enty always called him A- or soon to be B list?

  7. it took forever6:51 AM

    Well i guess the movie was gonna be a bore anyway so ay least someone was getting laid

  8. back again7:24 AM

    Olivia Munn. Johnny Depp et al. in that new movie w.gyneth paltrow movie stars w. a "M"

  9. back again7:29 AM

    nevermind--- I didn't see the "streaming" part of clue --but I still think Olivia munn's pulling the same sh** !! heh_heh
