Thursday, January 22, 2015

Blind Item #7

The husband of this celebrity chef is looking for a man who charges by the hour and was featured on a hit pay cable show. It turns out the celebrity chef ran a tab with the guy while married.


  1. Tricia 1312:31 AM

    Giada D

  2. Dexamyl12:40 AM

    Hi Tricia. Agree it's Giada but who's the guy?

  3. Greengrl12:56 AM

    What about Nigella with one of the guys from the gigolo show?

  4. Dexamyl1:40 AM

    I thought of that but the guys from that gigolo show are fugly. Both Giada and Nigella could do better. Especially if you were paying...

  5. Babble2:12 AM

    It seems like something Saatchi would do. He comes across as bitter, controlling and vindictive.

    Don't know enough about Giada's husband but with a pending divorce settlement, perhaps he'd be capable of this.

  6. DoctorPS5:36 AM

    Nigella is no longer married. Giana's husband probably wants actual evidence of her crap behavior to get a decent settlement and physical custody. He won't be a jerk; he's actual very nice. She always wore the pants and is a ball buster.

  7. Dudette8:27 AM

    I hope Giada's hubby takes her to the cleaners. Can't stand her.
