Friday, January 23, 2015

Blind Item #6

This A list mostly television actress from a very hit network comedy has an actor significant other but she spends much of her day in her trailer face timing her ex boyfriend on a phone that her assistant brings to the set each day just for the purpose.


  1. tricia13r12:47 AM


  2. Jooles12:50 AM

    Sofia Vegara

  3. sandybrook1:09 AM

    Bearding ain't easy

  4. She annoys me.
    If she's into the ex still, BE with the ex. Why even break up?
    This fake relationship disaster is embarrassing.

  5. If Joe is gay, why would Sophia agree to be a beard? In exchange for work? Do the studios force this kind of thing or does she just not want to be alone?

    I agree, be with your dirtball ex. I'll be on Joe's side if they split.

  6. Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors12:03 PM

    I don't think Joe's gay. I think for him, it was a move designed to raise his profile. And it worked, everyone knows who he is now. I'm not 100% sure what she's getting out of the deal, maybe just the stink of her ex off of her.

  7. Malibuborebee8:33 AM

    Joe Mangawhatever is definitely gay. Not bi, not "experimented when he was young" just plain ol' gay. Vergara is very useful to him as a beard. He's useful to her because she needs a PR friendly beau for the duration of her winning streak. Her ex wasn't cutting it, for obvious reasons.
