Saturday, January 03, 2015

Blind Item #6

The people working for this foreign born A- list mostly television actor who everyone thinks is gorgeous have been working overtime to find and delete images of his girlfriend from various escort and "modeling" sites where her services were offered to very wealthy men.


  1. Jemambo1:23 AM


  2. Tricia131:23 AM


  3. Jemambo1:23 AM

    Longtime lurker, first time commenter, and I tied with Tricia! YAAAAAY!

  4. Tricia131:26 AM

    You beat me dude!! Awesome job stay out and lurk no more- :)
    Great job!

  5. PoppyBlackOfLondon1:26 AM

    Hmmm. This maybe way off but I was thinking Benedict Cumberbatch. He's done lots of television here in the UK. Maybe use of the term girlfriend instead of Fiancée is deliberate to make it less obvious. However I wouldn't describe him as gorgeous but many people do.

    There are many middle class educated women who also escort so I wouldn't be surprised. Escorts come from all walks of life.

  6. Sophie Whatserpickle is an escort? ?? In one of those areas where they don't have a lot of escorts then? And yay for first comment Jemambo!

  7. Tricia131:29 AM

    Woo Hoo! Good minds thinking alike:)
    @ poppy hNY and you are right about enty using GF instead of fiancée. He never uses that word some reason(SO or when married - "wife" but never fiancée lol

  8. The 10th Doctor1:30 AM

    Cumberbatch for sure,

  9. Betty1:30 AM

    I really don't understand those who think he's gorgeous. To me, he looks like a snake and hedgehog had a baby.

  10. LOL, Betty. I don't get it either.

  11. Jemambo1:36 AM

    Thanks guys :D I'm getting old and out of touch, so my guesses aren't usually that good...
    @Betty - but that's one smooth n sexy hedgehog/snake baby!

  12. PoppyBlackOfLondon1:56 AM

    Yes. They do. Tee-hee. Heard so much gossip about Cumberbatch. Call me naive but am quite surprised. He's a dark one alright. No so humble either.

  13. Princess Kate1:57 AM

    Think you're right, however I don't think BC is mostly tv anymore. He's on the short list of likely Oscar noms for best actor.

  14. French girl2:09 AM

    Cucumberbatch is not A - list mostly Tv actor .He does 3 movies per year

  15. Cumberbatch. 100%. His engagement is Oscar PR anyway so why not hire an escort to fill the role? easier to break it off when her services are no longer needed and a nice iron-clad NDA is par for the course with high class escorts who work with celebs and wealthy dudes.

  16. Had to go look up his image as I don't have a clue how he looks.

    Now I do.

    Betty is right! LOL!

  17. Definitely Cumberbatch and Hunter.

  18. Wow, this engagement gag just keeps getting better and better! It's baffling to me how these professional PR people who are supposed to do this for a living so poorly planned this out that all the fans figured it out within the first couple of public appearances. But I guess they forget that we're Sherlock fans: we don't just see, we observe. ;) I'm very interested to see how this is going to end. My guess is that someone's gonna "catch" her doing something hinky, there's gonna be a sad break-up, and he's gonna be reprising his role as Christopher Tietjens in real life for a while in order to make everyone feel sorry for him for the purpose of preserving as much of his reputation as can be after this disaster...... until we hear of him hooking up with a new woman. Honestly though, I think the case is that he didn't realize just how far this was going to go. I think he agreed to just having a girlfriend on his arm for award season, but once he opened his filter-less trap and started talking about experimentation at Harrow, he was forced to bump it up to engagement, and now he regrets the hell out of agreeing to it in the first place, but has an NDA, therefore can't get any help out of it.

  19. He is A+ TV for sure and always gets raves for his film roles, definitely going A+ movies soon. HIs fiance has had a full time job for a good while and isn't really that hot, therefore I don't think it's him but what do I know.

  20. Chuchu7:04 AM

    Oh Lord the Cumhards are here. And it's not girlfriend it's fiancée and I hope he marries her, now that would be good gossip!

    I wonder if the Cumhards are gonna take over this blind item like to Twihards took over the Robert Pattison one?

  21. drunk chick7:15 AM

    BC looks like a human lizard!

    And Chuchu, I hope not. Gaah that would be awful. That RPatz debacle from before was hard to handle.

  22. AtlLady7:27 AM

    In his defense, Mr. Cumberbatch does not photograph well in still pictures. If you watch him in action, he is 1,000 times better looking. I have had the same problem all my life. Last time I got my driver's license renewed, the photographer took my photo 3 times before giving up. When I went to pick up my senior high school portrait, the woman thought there had been a mistake made and I had been sent the wrong packet and that was 40 years ago.

  23. Hetty1:33 PM

    Poppy, what have you heard about cumberbatch? what do you mean by dark?

  24. I think this blind is about an actor on US TV, like Damien Lewis, Andrew Lincoln, Dominic West, Rupert Friend, Jack Davenport or someone like that.

    You guys are funny, and clearly know nothing about Benny's GF. She was in a long term relationship with her boyfriend from Oxford until 2010.

    Sophie Hunter attended St Paul's Girls' School in Hammersmith before studying Modern Languages wat Oxford University. After graduating from Oxford, she studied for 2 years at the L'École Internationale de Théâtre in Paris. She then trained at the Saratoga International Theatre Institute in NYC under the mentorship of theatre and opera director Anne Bogart.

    Does that sound like an escort? Hunter co-founded the Lacuna Theatre Company, is an artistic director of the Boiler Room and was an associate director at Royal Court Theatre in the West End and Broadhurst Theatre on Broadway.

    Hunter is also the creative director of Loma Lights, one of the largest public arts programs in New York. She has directed, performed and conceived theatre productions throughout Europe, Africa, the Middle East and North America.

    With all she's accomplished, I don't even know where she'd find time to escort.

  25. Aeltri9:14 PM

    @Hetty: If rumors including CDaN BI are to be believed then BC is very kinky, possibly bi and into BDSM. I mean he used to 'hold court' at The Box in London where they feature X-rated numbers on yeah 'dark' would be a good description.

    With regards to his gf being a hooker, I believe it. SH did not have steady work, mooched off of her parents and hung out with the jet set. She 'Miss Traveled' all over the place, apparently. She is attractive enough to supplement her income by turning tricks. An insider claimed that she charged 30K to do 'promo' work. No ONE pays that much money for an unknown which has makes one believe that she did a lot more than that. 'Modeling' agencies are often fronts for escort agencies, especially in cities like NYC. I don't buy that BC fell for her ala Pretty Woman though, it's a business agreement. Even if they have a kid and/or get married it will be for PR + convenience (mainly for her). Chances are they won't though and he'll find a way to ditch her once Award Season is over because he looks miserable whenever he's with her. These leaks may lead up to that, BC finds out SH cheated on him, she has a kid that's not his or some other tabloid worthy BS. I really hate showbiz sometimes...

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  27. Uuuh, @Ray:
    It looks like u just copied and pasted her wiki on here, lol. And, um, you know most of those performances happened WHILE she was with Shawcross? If you look up her CV and find dates, you'd see that she really hasn't worked much. Plus, Lacuna was only around for 5 months (a same name company opened up in America later by someone else named Sophie Hunter) and Bolier Room apparently has no cash and under $3,000 in assets. You know that Sam Beckett Award she "won"? It wasn't an award but a grant, given even before she finished writing the play (btw the ONLY play she ever wrote). And that shit happened in 2007. That play got such bad reviews that they prolly don't get grant money anymore, which is prolly why she joined Phantom Limb later in NYC. And the play she did for them? She didn't direct it, act in it -- she was a creative director. And that was back in 2012 and didn't tour for long. In fact, a lot of the "jobs" she's gotten look to be just creative director or some position that is like a revolving door of ppl.
    Seriously, she's only being worshipped bcuz she got that ring. Not on talent or anything tangible to merit.

  28. tarap9:06 AM

    Don't tell the Cumberbitches this. They'll cut a bitch at the insinuation of PR moves



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