Sunday, January 25, 2015

Blind Item #5

The father/child bonding time between this married former A+ list mostly television actor who still has A+ list name recognition thanks to tons of reruns and working here and there was not really bonding between parent and offspring but parent and the waiter he tries to see as much as possible.


  1. sandybrook2:32 AM


  2. sandybrook2:34 AM

    Nope taint married

  3. sandybrook2:35 AM

    I'll try Seinfeld next for $2000 Alex

  4. tricia132:40 AM

    Or Don Johnson

  5. tricia132:41 AM

    Oh it's Kelsey grammar

  6. texasrose2:45 AM

    Why write this in such a convoluted manner?? Why not just say married former A+ has a waiter boyfriend? Why the parent/child bonding bs??

  7. Ziggy3:06 AM

    The bonding reference is a clue. Look for recent pap photos of a celeb that fits dining out with their child. (Like the recent photo of Kelsey Grammar taking his baby out to a restaurant.)

  8. June Gordon3:12 AM

    Grammer seems like a gay man, but I done see why someone whould go thru an expensive divorce to be with another woman like he did if he was gay. You already got you a beard!

    I hope it is Seinfeld.

  9. topperMadison4:01 AM

    The Hoff, Jerry Seinfeld, and Don Johnson are sooooo not gay, people.

  10. I heard the opposite about Don Johnson.

  11. June Gordon4:18 AM

    Don Johnson was caught buying gay prono and dildoes at a store in SF about ten years ago.

    He try to make a joke out of it.

    Yeah. Ha Ha.

    He got his start in a play with Sal Mineo about gay men in jail.

  12. I'll buy that he's bi (no pun intended), but he's just too much of a poon-slut to be gay.

  13. Nancer8:00 AM

    I don't care, I don't buy Don Johnson as gay.

    Kelsey Grammer works for me.

  14. June Gordon8:22 AM

    Don Johnson "dated" Barbara Streisands when he was at his hottest.

    If that ain't fishy I done know what is!!!!!!

  15. Malibuborebee9:37 AM

    It's probably not about Don Johnson but the obnoxious cow is correct, Johnson was caught buying gay porn, dildoes and other fun stuff in SF when he was filming his tv show there. He had a twink with him at the tim and I believe there was something about a no-tell motel but that could have been a separate incident.

    It's probably about Grammer but this is what puzzles me - the story on him was supposed to be adult-diaper play and crossdressing, both engaged in with women. I'll buy that he's banging waiters but I don't think he's actually gay or even bi, really. He's just an all-around superfreak.

  16. Macman11:19 AM

    Don Johnson at the very least is bi. He was a one time lover of Sal Mineo. That I know for a fact.

  17. Macman11:22 AM

    The play was Fortune in Men's Eyes at the Cornet Theater in LA. Johnson had just complete the Harrad Experiment. Him and Sal Mineo would go out to local restaurants after the show was over and Johnson was all over Mineo.
