Monday, January 19, 2015

Blind Item #4

This foreign born B list mostly movie actor has a wife who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. He also left her at home while he was doing press for his new movie. A couple of drinks at a hotel bar with this B- list mostly movie actress with the A++ list name recognition due to a former marriage and the two were in her hotel room. I guess she got back at her married boyfriend for standing her up last week.


  1. Tricia1311:35 PM

    Paul Bettany(jennifer Connelly wife) film- Mortedcai

  2. Tricia1311:37 PM


  3. mrswooblet11:47 PM

    I initially thought Daniel Craig (Rachel Weisz for the wife) and Katie Holmes but Paul Bettany's a good guess!

    If all of these rumours are true about Katie Holmes then maybe she is a better actress than people say as she does not give off the cheater/sleep around vibe at all and seems like a genuine, decent person.

  4. Sabrina11:52 PM

    I'm pretty sure Enty has said once or twice that Jennifer Connelly is an uber bitch...

  5. Tricia1311:52 PM

    Hi@mrswooblet: thanks! I'm pretty sure it's ^^ these 2, and that's awful. She seems have left Dawson's Creek in the rear view mirror a loooong time ago lol.
    I've heard things about Connelly/ Bettany for some time- I believe it's on shaky ground(still, no excuse)

  6. Tricia1311:53 PM

    @Sabrina- yes,that's true I believe

  7. French girl11:54 PM

    Bettany (and Depp) were at London yesterday whereas Holmes is in Berlin since yesterday so I don't see how they were able to meet each other
